At the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, the enrollment for the summer term of the academic year 2024/2025 has been successfully completed.
In the Military Pilot specialization, five students who passed the selection process of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia during the summer of 2023 are currently enrolled.
Other candidates applying for the same study program are in the selection process of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia, and their enrollment is expected to take place in the autumn term, as has been the case in previous years.
In the Military Air Traffic Control specialization, five students have been enrolled, which is part of the planned quota of a total of six students. Therefore, there is still one vacancy for enrollment in the autumn term.
Public Competition of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia
The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia, in accordance with the announced Public Competition, will admit up to 20 candidates/cadets of the Croatian Army to the first year of the university undergraduate study program in Aeronautics – Military Pilot, and six candidates/cadets to the first year of the university undergraduate study program in Aeronautics – Military Air Traffic Control at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb, in the academic year 2024/2025.
Enrollments at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences are conducted according to the final selection lists of study programs, and the study programs include specializations in Traffic, Intelligent Transport Systems and Logistics, and Aeronautics. Special quotas have been approved for candidates from Ukraine under temporary protection in the Republic of Croatia, and applications are accepted in the same manner as for other candidates.
New Study Programs
The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences continuously develops new study programs to meet market needs. New university undergraduate study programs in the field of Traffic and Logistics are being developed to improve alumni employability and adapt education to contemporary challenges in the transport industry.
Details on applications, required documents, and enrollment deadlines are available on the official website of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, where instructions for applications for graduate studies and information on additional points for students who have received rector's and dean's awards or participated in significant projects can also be found.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 26 Juli, 2024
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