Polish Navy training ship ORP "Wodnik" 251 arrived at the port of Lora in Split on July 8, 2024. This visit is organized as part of bilateral military cooperation with the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, and the ship will remain in Split until July 12, 2024.
ORP "Wodnik" 251 was built in 1975 at the Stocznia Północna shipyard in Gdansk. During the Gulf War (1990/1991), the ship was temporarily converted into an evacuation hospital ship.
The ship has a displacement of 1,745 tons, a length of 72.2 meters, a width of 12 meters, and a draft of 4.2 meters. This is the second visit of the ship to Split; the first visit was in June 2014. The crew consists of 128 members, and the commander is Frigate Captain Rafał Prętnik.
The visit program includes an official reception at the Headquarters of the Croatian Navy, as well as a friendly mini-football match with the Croatian Navy team.
During their stay in Split, the crew of the ORP "Wodnik" will participate in various activities organized to strengthen the ties between the two navies. In addition to official meetings, visits to cultural landmarks of Split and exchanges of experiences between crew members and hosts are planned.
This visit also provides an opportunity to demonstrate the ship's technical capabilities and exchange knowledge between experts from both countries. The visit will conclude with a farewell ceremony on July 12, when the ship will continue its journey to the next destination.
The visit of ORP "Wodnik" confirms the ongoing cooperation between Croatia and Poland and strengthens the friendly relations between the two countries. Such visits contribute to better understanding and cooperation in the field of defense and security.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 09 Juli, 2024
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