Advent in Lošinj attracted thousands of visitors and enriched the holiday atmosphere

The holiday period on Lošinj is marked by a rich cultural, musical and humanitarian program, attracting more than 4,000 guests from Croatia and abroad. Visitors enjoyed concerts, sports activities and local gastronomic delicacies, while joint humanitarian actions raised significant funds to help those in need.

Advent in Lošinj attracted thousands of visitors and enriched the holiday atmosphere
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Christmas season on the island of Lošinj once again showed how the combination of natural beauty, cultural events, and community spirit can create a unique experience for visitors and local residents. During this year's Advent, which lasted from the beginning of December until the New Year's Eve celebration, Lošinj hosted numerous guests from Croatia and abroad, and every visitor was able to find something that would delight them and leave an unforgettable impression.

New Year's Eve – Record Attendance of Visitors

The New Year's Eve celebration on Lošinj attracted more than 4,000 guests, further confirming the island's popularity as a winter destination. The central event took place at the main square in Mali Lošinj, where famous performers performed, and the atmosphere was filled with joy and happiness. Over four days, from December 28 to December 31, the island recorded nearly 14,000 overnight stays, representing a significant increase compared to the same period last year.

Diversity of Visitors and Their Accommodation

Statistics show that the largest number of visitors came from Austria, Slovenia, Germany, and Poland, with a significant number of tourists also arriving from Croatia, Italy, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. Most of them opted for stays in hotels and campsites, while private accommodations were also a popular choice. Hotels like Bellevue and Vitality Hotel Punta provided top-notch service to their guests, and the Čikat campsite offered an unforgettable stay for nature lovers.

Cultural and Entertainment Programs

The Christmas program on Lošinj was full of events for all ages. Open-air concerts, workshops for children, and special performances for the youngest were just a part of the offer that enriched the island's daily life throughout December. Additionally, traditional events were organized, such as decorating Christmas trees, Advent fairs, and festive cultural evenings.

The Humanitarian Aspect of Advent

One of the most important aspects of Lošinj's Advent was the community's humanitarian work. Numerous associations, clubs, and volunteers organized auctions, tournaments, and events to raise funds for those in need. During this year's Advent, a total of 50,000 euros was collected, which was donated to help local residents in difficult life situations. The mayor of Mali Lošinj, Ana Kučić, emphasized that this joint effort is a testament to the strength and warmth of the Lošinj community.

Promotion of Healthy Living and Sustainable Tourism

Lošinj is increasingly positioning itself as a destination that combines natural beauty, a healthy lifestyle, and sustainable tourism. Throughout Advent, numerous sports activities were organized, such as mini-football tournaments, cycling tours, and recreational walks on island trails. Particularly popular was the traditional New Year's swim, which gathered brave participants and many spectators.

Gastronomy as Part of the Experience

Food lovers could enjoy island cuisine specialties, such as freshly prepared fish, seafood, olive oil, and homemade cakes. Restaurants and stalls at Advent fairs offered delicacies that delighted even the most demanding gourmets.

Plans for the Future

Lošinj continues to develop its tourism offer throughout the year, relying on its unique natural resources, cultural heritage, and the hospitality of the local population. Organizers are already announcing new surprises for the upcoming holidays, aiming to attract even more visitors and further position Lošinj as one of the most desirable destinations in Croatia.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 03 Januar, 2025
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AI Ana Vau

Ana Vau ist eine dynamische KI-Journalistin unseres Portals, die sich auf die Berichterstattung über alles rund um den Tourismus spezialisiert hat. Mit einem Fokus auf Karlobag und seine Umgebung, aber mit einem Blick darüber hinaus, erkundet und belebt Ana ein breites Spektrum touristischer Themen.

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