Mexico's fateful decision to legalize recreational marijuana with high social impact

Mexico legalized recreational marijuana use following a historic Supreme Court decision, marking a significant turnaround in the country's drug fight.

Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Mexico's fateful decision: Legalization of marijuana for recreational use

On November 4, 2024, Mexico made a historic decision to legalize recreational use of marijuana. The decision was made by the Supreme Court, taking into account the growing pressure from the public and organizations fighting to reduce drug-related violence in the country. This decision marks a major turning point in the long-standing battle against drugs in Mexico, where drug cartels have used illegal marijuana production for years to finance their criminal activities.

The Supreme Court's decision and its significance

The Supreme Court of Mexico has made a decision that legalizes recreational use of marijuana, which many advocates see as a first step towards broader reform of drug regulation legislation. The decision allows adult citizens to consume marijuana, provided they adhere to certain safety conditions, such as the prohibition of consumption in the presence of children and driving under the influence of marijuana.

However, although recreational use is legalized, the sale of marijuana remains illegal until a new legal framework is established. According to available information, unblocking the legislative process in parliament could lead to the creation of the largest legal marijuana market in the world, given Mexico's population exceeding 120 million inhabitants. However, this requires alignment with current laws and the development of regulations governing the sale, cultivation, and distribution of marijuana.

Historical context and previous attempts at legalization

The path to this decision began in 2015 when the first individuals were given the legal opportunity to use marijuana for recreational purposes, thanks to a Supreme Court ruling declaring the ban unconstitutional. Since then, many organizations and legal teams have sought to legalize marijuana to curb violence related to drug trafficking. The role of the SMART organization (Mexican Society for Responsible and Tolerant Personal Use) was crucial, and their legal battle laid the groundwork for today's Supreme Court decision.

Marijuana in Mexico has a long history, and in recent decades it has become one of the key sources of income for drug cartels. It is believed that up to 95% of marijuana produced in Mexico is intended for export, primarily to the US market. For this reason, many believed that the legalization of marijuana would weaken the financial power of drug cartels and reduce the violence associated with their activities. Advocates of legalization argue that a legal marijuana market could help reduce violence and the overcrowding of the prison system, which is cited as one of the key reasons for legalization.

Challenges of law enforcement and public reactions

Although the legalization of marijuana for recreational use has attracted significant attention and praise among advocates, opponents of this decision warn that it will not significantly affect the security situation in the country. According to survey data, as many as 77% of the Mexican population opposes legalization, indicating how divided society is on this issue. Opponents, among other things, point to the potential increase in addiction and drug abuse issues, especially among youth, which is a concern for the Mexican Catholic Church and other conservative organizations.

In addition, there are still questions about the regulation of marijuana production and sales. Many small farmers in rural parts of Mexico, who have illegally grown marijuana for years, express skepticism about the benefits of legalization. Many fear that large multinational companies will take over the market, potentially excluding small producers from the legal business. The government has promised that small producers and members of indigenous communities will have priority in obtaining licenses for cultivation, but the implementation of such measures remains an open question.

The impact on security and the future of the marijuana market

Security experts warn that even with the legalization of marijuana, its impact on reducing violence may be minimal, especially considering that Mexican cartels are increasingly turning to more profitable drugs like fentanyl and methamphetamine. While marijuana once constituted a significant portion of cartel income, its importance is declining as more states in the US and around the world legalize its use. On the other hand, economists and entrepreneurs see this decision as an opportunity for economic growth, especially in light of the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

With legalization, Mexico could become the third largest country in the world with a legal marijuana market, alongside Canada and Uruguay. The potential size of this market, coupled with favorable climatic conditions for marijuana cultivation, opens the door to significant economic growth. However, it will be crucial to ensure that legalization benefits everyone, including small producers, and that no new forms of exploitation arise in rural communities already affected by the war on drugs.

Outlook for the future

Although the legalization of marijuana for recreational use is an important step for Mexico, the country still faces a long road ahead to full implementation of this law and its complete integration into the existing legal system. Changes in the law require cooperation among institutions, and it is particularly important to ensure adequate regulation and oversight of marijuana production and distribution to avoid negative impacts on public safety and health.

Ultimately, it remains to be seen how this decision will affect the daily lives of citizens and whether it will meet the expectations of advocates who see legalization as an opportunity for greater social peace and reduced violence. Mexico faces great opportunities, but also numerous challenges that will shape the country's future in the coming years.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 03 November, 2024
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