According to a message received from our reader (details known to the editorial team), an incident occurred yesterday at a fish farm near Lukovo Šugarje.
As our reader writes:
"According to the words of a local diver and former policeman, the director of Adriatic Farming, Miroslav Lacić, requested intervention from him yesterday because a shark allegedly broke into the cages in front of Porat bay. According to him, all the salmon died immediately."
Furthermore, as our reader writes:
"After I confirmed the news with a well-known local fisherman who confirmed it, I reported everything last night to 112 in Gospić and the police in Karlobag because a shark 50 meters from the shore is a danger to swimmers, and if the salmon escaped alive, it is the end of the Velebit channel ecosystem as we know it. If the salmon is dead, it is indeed an ecological problem because we are talking about wagons of fish. I published the news last night on the portal, which the administrator removed this morning." (published on the Facebook group Karlobag, which is not associated with, and the post was removed by the group administrator around 9:00 AM this morning, editorial note)
In today's phone conversation for our portal, Mr. Miodrag Lacić, director of the company Adriatic Farming d.o.o., which manages the fish farm, stated:
"On Friday, July 12, 2024, a blue shark weighing about 25 kg entered our cage located 300-400 meters from the shore, where trout and salmon are located, during fish feeding. The blue shark chewed through the cage net, which we repaired the same day. On Saturday, with the help of a local diver and a diver from Zadar, we managed to safely guide it towards the exit, and the shark independently left the cage. There was no major material damage, nor did any fish die or escape from the cage."
For additional comments, we contacted the Karlobag police station, and we will publish their statement once we receive it.
Presence of Sharks in the Adriatic
The presence of sharks in the Adriatic is not new. The blue shark, a species that often appears in the Adriatic, is considered potentially dangerous, but attacks on humans are very rare. Experts emphasize that the fear of sharks is often unfounded, but the presence of such a large predator near the coast certainly requires extra caution and intervention by the competent authorities. (source
More information about the blue shark can be found at this link.
Stay informed and follow our portal for further information.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 14 Juli, 2024
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