South East Europe-Ukraine Summit in Dubrovnik: support for Ukraine's struggle for territorial integrity

On October 12, 2024, a summit will be held in Dubrovnik, bringing together the leaders of Southeast Europe with the aim of providing political and military support to Ukraine, with a special emphasis on the reconstruction of infrastructure.

South East Europe-Ukraine Summit in Dubrovnik: support for Ukraine
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Croatia will soon host a key summit of Southeast Europe and Ukraine in Dubrovnik, an important diplomatic event that will bring together political leaders of the region to express their support for Ukraine in its fight for territorial integrity. The summit, which will take place on October 12, 2024, marks the arrival of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which will be his first visit to Croatia since the beginning of the Russian aggression in 2022. This meeting emphasizes Croatia's and its allies' firm commitment to provide political, military, and humanitarian support to Ukraine at a time when the fight against the Russian invasion continues.

According to Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković, the summit aims to further strengthen regional solidarity with Ukraine and encourage the continuation of international aid, including military support, humanitarian assistance, and the reconstruction of critical infrastructure such as the energy grid and devastated territories of Ukraine. Croatia's role in this initiative has been present before, including hosting the first Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimea Platform in 2022, while the platform itself is key to re-establishing control over Crimea, which is currently under Russian occupation.

Preparations for the summit and challenges with the opposition

The organization of this summit comes at a time of political turmoil within Croatia, considering the opposition of President Zoran Milanović to sending Croatian soldiers to NATO missions in Germany, which are related to the training of Ukrainian forces. Milanović has repeatedly emphasized that he does not want Croatia to participate in activities that could "drag it into war," but Prime Minister Plenković continues to strongly support Croatia's role within NATO and emphasizes that such diplomatic events are crucial for maintaining stability in Europe. The opposition, including populist parties, often uses this theme for political manipulation, further complicating the consensus within domestic politics.

Despite internal political disagreements, Croatia continues to provide significant support to Ukraine. At a recent government session, additional military assistance was announced, which includes the 11th package of military aid specifically designed to help defend Ukrainian territory against Russian missile attacks. Croatia is also involved in humanitarian demining and post-conflict reconstruction of Ukraine, with a particular focus on restoring energy infrastructure that has been destroyed in the war.

Zelensky and the international context

The arrival of President Zelensky in Dubrovnik is not only politically symbolic but also strategically important for strengthening Ukraine's diplomatic position within Europe. While Ukrainian forces on the battlefield are facing a shortage of ammunition and military equipment, this summit provides an opportunity to further strengthen the international coalition supporting Ukraine. Zelensky participated earlier this year in a similar summit in Tirana, where he again requested greater military and logistical assistance from European partners, and his arrival in Croatia is expected with great interest as it will further strengthen ties between Kyiv and Zagreb.

In addition to military support, discussions at the summit will also touch on the long-term reconstruction of Ukraine, including a program for the restoration of critical infrastructure and economic revitalization of war-affected areas. New projects related to training and logistical support are expected to be agreed upon, with the participation of many countries in the region willing to contribute to the reconstruction of Ukraine after the end of the conflict.

Geopolitical significance of the summit

The summit in Dubrovnik comes at a time when European geopolitics is facing numerous challenges. The war in Ukraine has opened new security questions across Europe, and Southeast European countries play a key role in this broader context. Croatia, as a member of NATO and the European Union, occupies a central position in the region and is using this opportunity to further strengthen its diplomatic and security ties with key partners.

In addition to supporting Ukraine, the summit will also provide a platform for discussion on broader regional issues, including economic reforms and security cooperation in Southeast Europe. While many countries are grappling with the consequences of inflation and slowed economic growth, such summits provide an opportunity to strengthen mutual cooperation and create new economic opportunities.

The summit is expected to conclude with a series of concrete proposals and initiatives that will serve as a foundation for future cooperation between Ukraine and its European allies, with a particular focus on strengthening joint defense capacities and post-conflict reconstruction. This event in Dubrovnik represents a milestone in Croatia's diplomatic efforts to actively contribute to European security and stability in the context of the most significant conflict in Europe in recent decades.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 08 Oktober, 2024
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