The training for the maintenance of the PzH 2000 weapon system turret, held at the Repair Depot of the Support Command, from June 24 to July 26, 2024, has been completed.
Four trainees successfully mastered the tasks from the Training Program and are now qualified to perform actions and procedures in diagnosing, preventive, and corrective maintenance of the Panzer howitzer PzH 2000 weapon system turret during periodic maintenance. This training is crucial for ensuring the operational readiness and reliability of the system, which is of great importance for the successful execution of military tasks.
After the trainees underwent evaluation and assessment, it was shown that they fully met all the training tasks. The program covered thorough knowledge of the components and operation of the weapon system turret, as well as familiarity with the set of special tools, accessories, and measuring instruments. The importance of proper use of tools, measuring devices, instruments, and work equipment, as well as the implementation of servicing and maintenance, was also emphasized.
Significance of the training
The trainees are qualified for preventive and corrective maintenance at the first level, diagnosing conditions, replacing components, and performing periodic maintenance, adhering to prescribed safety measures. Through this training, soldiers acquired the necessary skills to independently solve technical challenges, contributing to better operational readiness and longevity of the PzH 2000 system.
Training course
The training included both theoretical and practical parts, where the trainees first learned about the theoretical aspects of system functioning and then applied the acquired knowledge in practical exercises. The practical exercises included fault simulations and their resolution, allowing the trainees to gain valuable experience in real conditions.
Training leaders
The training was led by experienced instructors: Captain Dalibor Vukas, Master Sergeant Miro Bušić, and Corporal Mihaela Iličić from the Center for Training and Doctrine of Logistics. Their knowledge and experience were crucial for the successful implementation of the training and achieving high training standards for the trainees.
The continuation of such training ensures that the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia remain well-equipped and ready for all challenges that may arise in the future. Maintaining systems like the PzH 2000 is essential for operational efficiency and the safety of soldiers in the field.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 27 Juli, 2024
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