On Saturday, July 6, 2024, at around 18:25, a 63-year-old driver under the influence of alcohol (2.19 g/kg) and without a driver's license was driving a personal vehicle with Zagreb registration plates. He was driving along the connecting roadway of the northern part of Jadranska Avenue towards Vice Vukov Street, in the right lane for turning right towards the west. Upon arriving 20 meters west of the intersection with the roadway of Vice Vukov Street, he stopped due to a red light at the traffic light.
After that, the driver began to reverse without first checking for safety, not paying attention to the position and direction of his vehicle or the position of the stopped vehicles in front. During this maneuver, the rear part of his vehicle collided with the front part of a personal vehicle with Bjelovar registration plates, driven by a 52-year-old man, who was moving ahead of him in the same lane and direction.
Material damage occurred in the accident.
After the accident, the 63-year-old driver left the scene without filling out the European accident report and exchanging personal information with the other participant.
Later that evening, in cooperation with the 52-year-old participant, police officers arrested the 63-year-old driver. He was brought to the Municipal Misdemeanor Court, where he was fined 2000 euros and banned from driving for 4 months.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 08 Juli, 2024
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