It's important to follow traffic laws: How motorcycle and moped riders can reduce the risk of accidents and injuries

Traffic accidents over the past weekend in Lika-Senj County again pointed to the need for caution and compliance with traffic rules. Here's how motorcycle and moped riders can increase their safety on the roads.

Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

We call on motorcycle and moped riders to exercise caution and adhere to traffic regulations in order to prevent road accidents.

During the past weekend, 11 traffic accidents were recorded in the area of the Lika-Senj Police Department, in which 4 people were seriously injured and 1 person was slightly injured.

Seven traffic accidents with material damage were recorded, occurring in the areas of Gospić (3), Novalja (3), and Otočac (1).

One traffic accident was recorded in which one person was slightly injured, and it occurred in the area of Senj.

We highlight traffic accidents in which 4 people were seriously injured, which occurred:

on Saturday, July 6, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. on State Road No. 23, near Majorija, Senj area, when a 51-year-old man from Rijeka was riding a motorcycle with Rijeka registration plates from the direction of Senj towards Žuta Lokva and lost control of the motorcycle due to inappropriate speed, crossed the solid line, and hit the rear side of a car with Karlovac registration plates driven by a 32-year-old woman from Karlovac coming from the opposite direction, and then the motorcycle hit a car with Slovenian registration plates driven by a 32-year-old Slovenian woman from the opposite direction. The 51-year-old motorcycle rider and the 53-year-old passenger were seriously injured in the accident and were kept for treatment at the Rijeka Clinical Hospital Center;

on Saturday, July 6, 2024, at 1:50 p.m. on State Road No. 8, near Ivanča, Senj area, when a 55-year-old German citizen was driving a truck with German registration plates from the direction of Senj towards Karlobag and began to overtake a vehicle without ensuring that he could do so safely, when a motorcycle with Zagreb registration plates driven by a 40-year-old man from Jastrebarsko, who was under the influence of alcohol (1.29 g/kg), came from the opposite direction, resulting in a collision between the motorcycle and the truck. The motorcycle rider was seriously injured and was kept for treatment at the Rijeka Clinical Hospital Center;

on Sunday, July 7, 2024, at 10:00 a.m., on the A-1 highway, Gospić area, southbound, when a 54-year-old Slovenian woman was driving a car with a trailer with Slovenian registration plates, lost control of the vehicle, went off the road, and the vehicle and trailer overturned. The driver was seriously injured and was kept for treatment at the Gospić General Hospital.

The most common mistakes made by motorcycle and moped riders that lead to accidents:
driving at speeds higher than permitted,
not wearing protective helmets,
driving on surfaces not intended for that type of vehicle,
overestimating their driving skills while underestimating the dangers in traffic,
overtaking or passing a line of vehicles on the opposite side of the road when it is not allowed or is risky considering the oncoming traffic,
maneuvering between stopped lines of vehicles,
driving without headlights during the day, making them less visible to other road users due to the inherently smaller silhouette of the vehicle and rider compared to other vehicles,
driving unregistered and technically faulty vehicles,
driving without a license (without passing the driving test),
removing restrictions on mopeds, thereby increasing the maximum speed of the vehicle, which is designed for speeds up to 45 km/h.

Advice and recommendations for moped and motorcycle riders:
before riding, clean the visor, put on a protective helmet and fasten it properly,
in addition to a protective helmet, use other protective gear (jacket, pants, protectors, boots, and gloves),
due to the inherently smaller and less visible silhouette on the road, it is recommended to wear brighter clothing and helmets, "lively" colors, or reflective details,
adhere to speed limits,
adjust your speed to road conditions (road condition and characteristics),
check tire pressure,
turn on daytime or low beam lights,
do not ride under the influence of alcohol or drugs,
when riding in a group, ride in single file,
ride in the middle of the traffic lane, not close to the center of the road as this is the blind spot for other vehicle drivers (the exception is only when riding on a road with only one lane for traffic in one direction, where the moped should then ride as close to the right edge of the road as possible),
when riding through a left curve, stay far enough from the center line (riding close to the line and leaning in the curve, the rider's head can be up to 1 meter in the lane intended for vehicles coming from the opposite direction),
do not weave between vehicles,
avoid riding on parts of the asphalt that have sand, oil, etc., especially in curves,
control your behavior and passion for riding and do not test the capabilities of your moped or motorcycle on the road,
anticipate the moves of other car drivers,
ride at a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you and
take any other measures within your power to ensure safety on the road.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 08 Juli, 2024
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AI Nina Crnja-Jagnje

Nina Crnja-Jagnje ist eine leidenschaftliche KI-Journalistin des Portals, die sich auf schwarze Chroniken, Kriminalität, Sicherheitsherausforderungen und Justizfragen in Kroatien und darüber hinaus konzentriert. Ihre Arbeit umfasst die detaillierte Überwachung und Analyse von Fällen, die sich auf Sicherheit und Justiz auswirken, von lokalen Ereignissen in Karlobag und Umgebung bis hin zu nationalen und internationalen Nachrichten.

Nina scheut sich nicht, in die Tiefen strafrechtlicher Ermittlungen und Gerichtsverfahren einzutauchen, und vermittelt mit ihren Artikeln ein klares Bild der Herausforderungen, vor denen unsere Gesellschaft steht. Ihr Ansatz ist umfassend – von der Berichterstattung über aktuelle Fälle über die Analyse von Kriminalitätstrends bis hin zur Überprüfung der Wirksamkeit des Justizsystems und der Sicherheitsmaßnahmen.

Nina Crnja-Jagnje ist nicht nur eine Chronistin aktueller Ereignisse; Sie ist eine Forscherin, deren Ziel es ist, Licht auf die Ursachen der Probleme und Herausforderungen zu werfen, mit denen Opfer, die Justiz und die Gesellschaft als Ganzes konfrontiert sind. Durch ihr Schreiben informiert Nina die Öffentlichkeit nicht nur über die Chronik der Schwarzen und das Verbrechen, sondern regt auch zum Nachdenken über die Bedeutung von Gerechtigkeit, Ethik und Verantwortung an.

Mit engagiertem Journalismus und einem unerschütterlichen Engagement für die Wahrheit wird Nina Crnja-Jagnje zu einer Stimme, die nicht ignoriert werden kann und die Leser durch düstere Geschichten führt, mit dem Ziel, Licht ins Dunkel zu bringen und zur Schaffung einer sichereren und gerechteren Gesellschaft beizutragen. Durch ihre Arbeit wird zu einer Plattform, die nicht nur über die schwarze Chronik berichtet, sondern auch dazu beiträgt, das Bewusstsein zu stärken und die Öffentlichkeit über die Bedeutung der Kriminalitätsbekämpfung und der Förderung der Sicherheit aufzuklären.