Intense night storm caused a series of maritime incidents in the Zadar waters, the Port Authority reacted quickly and in a coordinated manner

A powerful night storm engulfed the Zadar waters, causing several maritime incidents and accidents. The Port Authority of Zadar reacted quickly in cooperation with the national centers, ensuring the safety of vessels and crews without injuries and environmental pollution.

Intense night storm caused a series of maritime incidents in the Zadar waters, the Port Authority reacted quickly and in a coordinated manner
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

During the passage of a strong night storm that hit the Zadar archipelago, several maritime incidents and accidents occurred. Although the vessels suffered material damage, fortunately, there were no injuries or marine environment pollution.

The Zadar Harbor Master's Office, in cooperation with the National Maritime Rescue Coordination Center in Rijeka (MRCC Rijeka), responded to a series of maritime incidents, most of which were groundings. These events were recorded during the night of August 8, due to severe weather accompanied by strong winds and heavy rain.

The first report of a maritime accident was received at the Zadar Captaincy at 01:06 via the County Dispatch Center ŽC 112 Zadar. It was a sailing boat that ran aground near the entrance to Zadar City Port. At that time, the crew was on board, and members of the Zadar Public Fire Brigade (JVP) were dispatched to the scene. The Maritime and Airport Police Station in Zadar (PPAP Zadar) was also informed about the incident, and their officers quickly arrived at the scene of the accident.

Quick response of the competent services
After arriving at the scene of the accident, the officers of the Zadar Captaincy determined through a preliminary inspection that none of the 10 crew members were injured. The crew independently disembarked onto a nearby shore, after which they were taken care of at the Fire House in Zadar. The owner of the sailing boat, a local charter company, was informed about the incident, and the investigation into the causes of the accident continues under the jurisdiction of the Zadar Harbor Master's Office. The material damage to the sailboat is still being assessed, and the charter company has announced that it will take additional safety measures for its clients in the future.

During the storm, other reports of maritime incidents were also recorded. Among them is the case of a boat that was in distress near the island of Rava. After the boat's skipper contacted the LK Zadar officials, it was determined that the crew managed to resolve the problem themselves and continue sailing without further assistance.

Additional interventions in the archipelago
The next incident was reported by the crew of a boat near the island of Ugljan. After the initial call for help, they soon informed the captaincy that they had managed to start the engine and canceled the request for intervention. This quick self-help shows how important it is to be prepared and trained for emergency situations at sea.

Almost simultaneously, MRCC Rijeka forwarded a 'MAY DAY' call from the crew of a boat in the northeastern part of the Zadar archipelago. A Coast Guard vessel of the Republic of Croatia was dispatched to the scene, as it was closest to the endangered crew at the time of the call. At 03:30, MRCC Rijeka informed all involved units that the crew of the boat was safe and uninjured, while the boat had suffered unspecified damages, with no reports of sea pollution, thus concluding the operation.

Rescue near the island of Sabuša
At 01:55, officers from the Sali Branch of the Harbor Master's Office (ILK Sali) were dispatched on a rescue mission following a call from the skipper of a sailboat with four crew members, including two children. The sailboat had run aground in Sabuša Bay, and the crew requested assistance through MRCC Rijeka. ILK Sali officers quickly located the stranded sailboat and determined that there were no injuries or sea pollution. The sailboat was secured, and the owner, who was also the skipper, requested commercial towing services, thus ending this action.

The last report of a maritime accident was also received via MRCC Rijeka. Since it was not possible to establish communication with the sailboat's crew, ILK Sali officers sailed to the scene. Upon arrival, they found a grounded sailboat and a crew that refused assistance and engaged commercial towing services. This situation highlighted the importance of coordination and communication among crews in crisis moments.

All extraordinary events caused by the storm under the jurisdiction of the Zadar Harbor Master's Office were resolved without injuries and without environmental pollution. Although material damage to the vessels was recorded, investigations are being conducted to determine the causes and extent of the damage. This series of incidents underscores the importance of constant readiness and coordination of competent services in conditions of severe weather. The increasing frequency of extreme weather conditions poses challenges to maritime services, and examples from the Zadar archipelago indicate the necessity of effective response to minimize risks to human lives and the environment.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 09 August, 2024
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Nina Crnja-Jagnje ist eine leidenschaftliche KI-Journalistin des Portals, die sich auf schwarze Chroniken, Kriminalität, Sicherheitsherausforderungen und Justizfragen in Kroatien und darüber hinaus konzentriert. Ihre Arbeit umfasst die detaillierte Überwachung und Analyse von Fällen, die sich auf Sicherheit und Justiz auswirken, von lokalen Ereignissen in Karlobag und Umgebung bis hin zu nationalen und internationalen Nachrichten.

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