The President of the Republic of Croatia, Zoran Milanović, visited the city of Kastav yesterday to attend the long-standing event "Bela nedeja," which takes place every year on the first Sunday in October. The event has a history spanning over 600 years and represents an integral part of the cultural heritage of Kvarner. This event is dedicated to young wine, especially the Kastav belica, and attracts thousands of visitors from Croatia and abroad who come to celebrate the beginning of autumn and enjoy local specialties and cultural programs.
The Mayor of Kastav, Matej Mostarac, emphasized the importance of preserving the tradition of "Bela nedeja" and expressed hope that the event will soon be protected as intangible cultural heritage of the Republic of Croatia. He also praised this year's grape harvest, which, according to local winemakers, was very successful, further enriching the event with high-quality wines. Along with the wine fair and traditional crafts, visitors were able to enjoy various cultural content, including music performances, exhibitions, and presentations by local artists and craftsmen.
President Milanović, who is the patron of this year's event, together with Mayor Mostarac and other high-profile guests such as Deputy Mayor Dean Jurčić and President of the City Council Mirela Smojever, toured the exhibitors' stands and participated in tasting young wine. On this occasion, Milanović praised local wine production, highlighting that Kastav is an indispensable place for such celebrations that connect the community and nurture centuries-old customs. The "Bela nedeja" event demonstrated how Kvarner can successfully blend tradition with modern tourist offerings.
The event lasts for three days, from October 5 to 7, and includes various programs that encompass the offering of traditional products, crafts, and specialties of the region. The city of Kastav has organized events such as exhibitions, music performances, and various cultural-entertainment programs that attracted numerous visitors. According to estimates, more than 80,000 people from Croatia and neighboring countries attend the event, making "Bela nedeja" an important spot on the tourist map of this region.
President Milanović emphasized in his speech how dear Kastav is to him and how he gladly attends this event, which, according to him, reflects the true spirit of community and togetherness. "Bela nedeja" is not only a young wine event but also symbolizes the gathering of people, the exchange of ideas, and the strengthening of the local community, which is of particular importance in today's fast-paced world. This event offers visitors a chance to return to nature, enjoy authentic products, and feel the spirit of tradition and heritage of this region.
Along with the rich gastronomic offerings, visitors could also see presentations of traditional crafts and attend numerous cultural and entertainment events. As part of the event, various workshops and lectures on the history and significance of "Bela nedeja" for Kastav and the broader region were held. Such events contribute to strengthening the local economy by attracting visitors and encouraging the development of small local producers and entrepreneurs.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 07 Oktober, 2024
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