Police officers of the maritime police of the Senj Police Station yesterday conducted supervision at several locations around the islands of Rab and Cesarica. On that occasion, they caught four people violating the prohibition of speedboating within 300 meters from the shore. Among them were three German and one Austrian citizen.
Due to the established violations, mandatory misdemeanor orders were issued to all individuals.
Legal provisions
According to Croatian legal regulations, boats and vessels sailing in the internal sea waters and territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia are not allowed to approach the coast. Specifically:
- Speedboats are allowed to speed only at a distance of more than 300 meters from the shore and only in areas where speedboating is not prohibited.
- Areas where speedboating is prohibited, or where speedboating by small boats is allowed, and the method of their marking, are determined by the Harbor Master's Office.
- The Harbor Master's Office also determines areas where water skiing is prohibited and areas designated for the training of skiers and jet boat operators, including the method of their marking.
Warning to boaters
The maritime police warn all boaters to strictly adhere to the rules of navigation safety, especially the prohibition of speedboating within 300 meters from the shore. It is also important to listen to navigation warnings and weather forecasts on the prescribed VHF channels.
The maritime police will continue to carry out supervision and take necessary measures to prevent possible accidents and dangers at sea. In recent months, several significant activities of the maritime police have been recorded. For example, at the end of March, the Dubrovnik-Neretva Police Department, in cooperation with the Customs Administration, seized more than half a ton of cocaine in the port of Ploče. This seizure, one of the largest ever in Croatia, is part of a broader trend of fighting drug smuggling through Croatian ports.
Additionally, the National Search and Rescue Center at Sea (SAR) coordinates rescue missions and cooperates with the coast guards of neighboring countries. In case of emergency, military ships, fishing boats, and aircraft also participate in rescue missions. Harbor Master's Offices, of which there are eight, are on duty 24 hours a day and have more than 55 vessels for various sea conditions.
Safety measures
The Croatian maritime police have about forty vessels distributed among seven police administrations, which are used for monitoring the 950-kilometer-long state border and monitoring internal waters. In addition to monitoring, the maritime police also participate in rescue missions at sea. The public company Plovput and the Croatian Hydrographic Institute are responsible for maintaining the safety of navigation in the Adriatic, including maintaining sea routes and radio services, and conducting scientific research related to navigation.
The maritime police emphasize the importance of respecting safety measures and proper preparation for navigation to avoid accidents and ensure safe enjoyment of sea activities. In case of any ambiguities or the need for additional information, boaters can contact the competent harbor master's offices or use the available VHF channels for communication.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 26 Juli, 2024
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