On July 16, 2024, at 19:25 in Gospić, there was a traffic accident. A 52-year-old man from Gospić was driving a car with Gospić license plates. While turning left, he did not ensure the maneuver's safety, resulting in a collision with a motorcycle without a license plate. A 25-year-old from Gospić was on the motorcycle, overtaking the vehicle in the left lane at that moment.
The motorcyclist sustained serious injuries and was hospitalized at the General Hospital in Gospić. A criminal complaint will be filed against the car driver with the competent state attorney's office for causing the traffic accident.
The importance of car drivers' attention
Car drivers need to be especially cautious concerning motorcyclists, motorcycles, and mopeds. When changing lanes, overtaking, or turning, special attention must be paid to these road users to avoid accidents. Drivers are often unaware of the so-called "blind spot" of the side mirror where motorcycles can be, leading to dangerous situations.
On the same day, July 16, 2024, at 19:40 on state road number 8 in Lukovo, another traffic accident occurred. A nineteen-year-old Swiss citizen was riding a motorcycle with Swiss plates, traveling from Karlobag to Senj. In a sharp right turn, due to inappropriate speed, he lost control of the motorcycle, crossed into the left lane, and hit a rocky cut. The motorcyclist sustained serious injuries and was kept for treatment at KBC Rijeka.
Common mistakes by motorcyclists and moped riders
Motorcyclists and moped riders often suffer due to several mistakes:
- Traveling at inappropriate and excessive speeds.
- Failing to wear protective helmets.
- Traveling on surfaces not intended for this type of vehicle.
- Overestimating driving skills and underestimating traffic dangers.
- Overtaking or bypassing vehicle columns in prohibited parts of the road.
- Squeezing between stopped vehicle columns.
- Riding without lights on during the day, making them less visible.
- Driving unregistered and technically faulty vehicles.
- Riding without a valid driving license.
- Removing speed limiters on mopeds to increase speed.
Most common mistakes by car drivers towards motorcyclists
Car drivers often make mistakes such as:
- Failing to yield to motorcyclists.
- Not paying enough attention to motorcyclists when changing lanes and turning.
- Turning or changing lanes carelessly and without signaling.
- Not accounting for the high accelerations of motorcycles over short distances.
Tips for moped and motorcycle riders
To ensure safety on the road, moped and motorcycle riders are advised to:
- Clean the visor before riding, wear a protective helmet, and properly tighten it.
- Use protective gear such as jackets, pants, guards, boots, and gloves.
- Wear lighter clothing and helmets in bright colors with reflective details.
- Respect speed limits.
- Adjust driving speed to road conditions.
- Check tire pressure and turn on daytime or low beam lights.
- Do not ride under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Ride in the middle of the lane and avoid blind spots.
- Move away from the centerline in left turns to avoid collisions.
- Do not weave between vehicles and avoid parts of the asphalt with sand or oil.
- Control your behavior and do not test the vehicle's capabilities in traffic.
- Anticipate other drivers' moves and maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front.
- Take all measures to ensure your safety on the road.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 18 Juli, 2024
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