Police officers from the Municipal State Attorney's Office in Sisak conducted an investigation of a 62-year-old suspect due to suspicions of committing multiple criminal offenses. There is a well-founded suspicion that the suspect, between February 1, 2023, and September 1, 2024, in the area of Sisak, unauthorizedly took large quantities of wood mass and appropriated two hunting cameras. This unauthorized activity caused significant damage to the Republic of Croatia, as well as to the company Hrvatske šume d.o.o.
Additionally, on September 3, 2024, during the search of his property, a larger cache of weapons and explosive substances was discovered. Among the items found were various firearms, ammunition, explosives, and other hazardous materials, the possession of which is contrary to the Weapons Act. This seizure included hunting and military rifles, pistols, ammunition, detonator caps, and explosive devices. According to police sources, hundreds of pieces of ammunition and hazardous explosive materials were seized, causing further concern about the potential threat to safety in the vicinity.
The Municipal State Attorney's Office proposed the imposition of investigative detention due to the danger of repeating criminal offenses. The investigating judge accepted the proposal and the suspect was placed in investigative detention. This measure was taken based on Article 123, Paragraph 1, Point 3 of the Criminal Procedure Act, due to the potential threat to safety and the possibility of repeating similar criminal offenses.
Given the seriousness of the case, the local community is closely following the development of the situation with great interest. This situation highlights the importance of cooperation between judicial and police bodies, especially in cases involving illegal weapons and serious criminal threats. The Sisak-Moslavina Police Administration regularly conducts such searches with the aim of combating crime and increasing safety in its jurisdiction.
This case comes at a time of heightened security measures due to the increasing frequency of criminal activities in the Sisak-Moslavina County, where authorities have already taken a number of steps to prevent similar incidents. The community welcomes the swift reactions of judicial and police authorities in preventing further threats and maintaining peace in the region.
Further development of the investigation is expected, and the suspect may face additional charges if new evidence is uncovered during a more detailed search of his properties and assets. Local media is following the case, and the public is interested in future decisions by the judicial authorities.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 05 September, 2024
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