Residents should be extremely cautious if they come across items that resemble explosive devices. It is strongly advised not to take any action regarding their removal but to immediately contact the police.
The day before yesterday, in the Raduča area, during earthworks, a citizen came across an explosive device and immediately informed the relevant authorities. Through a swift intervention, police officers from the anti-explosive protection unit confirmed that it was two M-60 cumulative mines, and further inspection revealed four more mines of the same type, which are safely stored until their destruction.
We remind that there is still a presence of unexploded ordnance in the Lika-Senj County area, both from the Homeland War and the Second World War. These devices, especially if found by children, pose a serious threat, and it is important to raise awareness about this danger.
Citizens who might possess illegal weapons or explosives in their homes are advised to take the first step towards voluntarily surrendering these items. By calling 192, they can report and surrender the weapons without penalties, thus contributing to the safety of the community.
Additionally, it is important to note that explosive devices should never be disposed of in trash containers or left in nature, as this directly endangers the lives of others. Unauthorized individuals, including children, may come into contact with these items, which can lead to serious accidents.
Citizens are urged to behave responsibly to reduce the risk of accidents due to unexploded ordnance.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 05 September, 2024
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