Croatia as the host of major international sports competitions: Public call for co-financing and development of sports in 2025

The Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Croatia has opened a public call for co-financing international sports competitions, which encourages the development of sports and the promotion of Croatia as an attractive sports destination. With a budget of almost two million euros, the goal is to support the organizers who will make Croatia the center of sports events.

Croatia as the host of major international sports competitions: Public call for co-financing and development of sports in 2025
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

The Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Croatia has announced a Public Call for Expressions of Interest for co-financing international sports competitions planned for 2025. This initiative aims to promote the development of sports and position Croatia as an attractive destination for sporting events.

The total budget allocated for this call amounts to 1,968,533.00 euros, provided from the State Budget of the Republic of Croatia. In addition, for three major sporting events in 2025, including the World Championships in handball and wrestling and the renowned cycling race Cro Race, funds exceeding 9 million euros have already been secured. The Minister of Tourism and Sports, Tonči Glavina, emphasized the importance of these competitions not only for the popularization of sports but also for strengthening Croatia's image as a tourist destination.

Objectives and Strategies
This Public Call is aimed at supporting organizers who plan to bring international sports events to Croatia. Such events are expected to increase interest in sports among the local population and attract tourists from around the world, thereby further strengthening the local economy. Competitions that will be supported should have a budget of over 300,000.00 euros, and applicants can request co-financing between 100,000.00 and 600,000.00 euros per competition. Co-financing can cover up to 60% of the total organization costs.

Criteria and Application Conditions
Applicants must meet certain criteria to qualify for co-financing. This includes registration in appropriate registers such as the Register of Associations and the Register of Non-Profit Organizations. Additionally, they must secure funds from other sources covering at least 40% of the total amount needed for organizing the competition. Eligible costs include accommodation and meals for athletes, sports equipment rental, health services, competition insurance, and promotional activities that do not exceed 10% of the total co-financing amount.

Application Procedure and Deadlines
Applications are submitted electronically through the National Information System in Sports (NISUS). Applicants are required to open a user account on the system, fill in the necessary forms, and attach documentation proving compliance with all conditions. The deadline for submitting applications is September 8, 2024, and more information and application instructions are available on the official website of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports.

Additional Information
The Ministry of Tourism and Sports actively works on improving sports infrastructure and supports projects that contribute to the development of local communities through sports. It is expected that co-financed competitions will encourage not only sports activities but also educational programs for young people, promoting a healthy lifestyle and active participation in society. In recent years, the number of international competitions in Croatia has significantly increased, creating a positive image of Croatia as a country that values sports and nurtures talents.

In addition to financial support, the Ministry also provides logistical support to competition organizers, thus facilitating the entire organization process and ensuring a high level of quality performance. It is expected that this Public Call will attract a large number of applications and contribute to the further growth of sports tourism in the country.

All interested sports competition organizers are invited to apply and take advantage of this opportunity for co-financing, thereby contributing to the promotion of sports and Croatia as a center of sporting events.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 03 August, 2024
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