Revolutionary technology: quantum laser and artificial intelligence to accurately measure surfaces

Discover how quantum technology and artificial intelligence are revolutionizing surface measurement to change industry, medicine, and science with micron-level precision.

Revolutionary technology: quantum laser and artificial intelligence to accurately measure surfaces
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is advancing rapidly, reshaping the way we perform everyday tasks and solve complex problems. From facial recognition and voice assistance to weather prediction and optimization of industrial processes, AI has become an indispensable tool in modern society. However, one of the key abilities that still eludes these advanced systems is the development of the sense of touch, that is, the ability to accurately measure and analyze surfaces. This gap is precisely what revolutionary research conducted at Stevens Institute of Technology is attempting to fill.

A New Dimension of Artificial Intelligence

Technologies based on AI have so far developed impressive capabilities in recognizing and interpreting visual and auditory data. However, the ability to "feel" surfaces has remained on the margins of research. This is not only a technical challenge but also an opportunity for transforming various industries. A research team from Stevens Institute of Technology has managed to develop a system that combines quantum technology and artificial intelligence to enable systems to analyze and measure surface characteristics at a microscopic level.

At the heart of this research is an innovative device that uses photonic lasers to collect data on surface topography. Through the processing of this data using advanced artificial intelligence algorithms, the system not only recognizes different textures but also analyzes them with incredible precision.

Revolutionary Use of Speckle Noise

Speckle noise, which has traditionally been considered an unwanted phenomenon in images, is a key component of this system. The system uses variations in speckle patterns to precisely analyze surface topography. This discovery opens new possibilities for the application of technology in medicine, industry, and scientific research.

During testing, scientists tested the technology on 31 samples of industrial sandpaper with various levels of roughness, from as little as 1 micron up to 100 microns, which is approximately the thickness of a human hair. The results showed that the system can achieve an accuracy of just 4 microns, making it comparable to the most advanced industrial profilometry devices.

Applications in Medicine

One of the most exciting potentials of this technology lies in medical diagnostics. Skin diseases, such as melanoma, often present a challenge due to similarities in visual characteristics with benign changes. This technology enables the analysis of texture and topography of skin lesions with precision that surpasses human observational capabilities. More detailed analysis could help in the early detection of melanoma, thereby increasing survival rates and improving treatment outcomes.

Industrial Applications

In the industrial sector, the ability to accurately measure and analyze surfaces is crucial for ensuring product quality. Minor defects, invisible to the naked eye, can cause significant problems during the product lifecycle, especially in the automotive and aerospace industries. Integrating this technology into manufacturing processes would enable the detection of even the smallest irregularities, thereby reducing the risks of failures and increasing production efficiency.

Enhancing Existing Technologies

LiDAR sensors, already widely used in autonomous vehicles and robotics, could be enhanced with this technology. The ability to accurately measure surface properties would allow for a more detailed analysis of the environment, thereby increasing the safety and reliability of autonomous systems.

Broader Social Impact

In addition to technical and industrial applications, this technology has the potential to impact a broader range of social activities. For example, in archaeology, it could enable more detailed analysis of historical artifacts, while in art, it could aid in the restoration of valuable artworks.

Stevens Institute of Technology has once again confirmed its role as a leader in scientific innovation. This system, which combines quantum technology and artificial intelligence, represents a step forward towards creating AI systems that mimic human senses. Its potential to transform various sectors makes it one of the most exciting scientific achievements of our time.

Source: Stevens Institute of Technology

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 19 November, 2024
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