Croatia strengthens its position in congress tourism through participation in Think mice Mashup Meetings in Warsaw

The Croatian National Tourist Board participated as a Gold Partner at the prestigious Think mice Mashup Meetings event in Warsaw, bringing together experts from the mice industry. Croatia is proving to be an increasingly attractive destination for business tourism thanks to its rich offer and direct flights, which has further strengthened its position on the market.

Croatia strengthens its position in congress tourism through participation in Think mice Mashup Meetings in Warsaw
Photo by: HTZ/ HTZ

Warsaw was the host of the 11th edition of Think MICE Mashup Meetings, an event that brought together experts from the business tourism industry, known by the acronym MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences, exhibitions). This event is becoming increasingly important on a European level, with the aim of enabling professionals in this industry to exchange knowledge, experiences, and new ideas. The Croatian Tourist Board (HTZ) participated as a Gold Partner, further emphasizing the importance of Croatia as an attractive MICE destination. HTZ's participation is an indicator of the strategic role Croatia plays in this increasingly competitive industry.

As Małgorzata Kowalska, Director of the HTZ Office in Poland, points out, Croatia is proving to be an increasingly attractive destination for Polish tourists as well as for business trips. "With over a million arrivals of Polish tourists since the beginning of the year, representing a 7% increase compared to last year, Croatia is not only a holiday destination but also an ideal place for congress tourism. Direct flights, rich cultural offerings, and interesting activities make Croatia an appealing choice for business travelers and conference organizers," said Kowalska.

The event was attended by around 100 guests from the Polish MICE industry, and special attention was drawn to the panel "Meeting marked by changes: Transformation, development, and impact on the MICE industry". The discussion, led by Michał Kalarus, editor-in-chief of Think MICE magazine, included leading figures from Polish MICE associations. The debate focused on key trends and challenges, as well as opportunities emerging in this dynamic sector.

The panelists highlighted the importance of investing in the education of young professionals, emphasizing that the future of the MICE industry depends on the development of new generations of professionals. The transformation of business operations and adaptation to new circumstances were key topics, and participants shared their experiences on how the MICE sector can leverage new technologies and changing business practices to remain competitive on a global scale.

The event was organized by Think MICE magazine, which specializes in the MICE industry. Since its inception in 2017, Think MICE Mashup Meetings has become one of the key places for networking and information exchange within the MICE community. The event provides an opportunity each year to establish new business collaborations and strengthen connections among industry professionals.

With the growing interest in congress tourism in Croatia, participating in events like this allows Croatian institutions and entrepreneurs to further position Croatia as a leading destination in this segment. Business travel and conferences are increasingly becoming a key part of the tourism offer, and Croatia offers ideal conditions for the growth of this market.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 08 September, 2024
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