Opatija promotes health tourism through new film "Oasis of health and wellbeing"

Opatija, with a rich tradition of health tourism, is promoted through a new film. The film highlights activities and wellness offerings, including yoga, massages, and natural beauty such as Lungomare and Učka. The goal is to position Opatija as a leading destination for health and relaxation.

Opatija promotes health tourism through new film "Oasis of health and wellbeing"
Photo by: screenshot / youtube.com/ YouTube

Opatija, the pearl of the Kvarner Riviera, once again confirms its role as the leader in health tourism in Croatia by presenting a new promotional film titled "Oasis of health and wellbeing." This carefully crafted audiovisual content aims to further highlight the advantages of Opatija as a destination for body and mind recovery, based on centuries-old traditions and the natural wealth the region offers.

Opatija – the cradle of health tourism

Since 1889, when Emperor Franz Joseph I proclaimed it the first seaside climate health resort of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Opatija has been a pioneer in health tourism. This historic moment marked the beginning of one of the most important chapters in Opatija's history, making it an essential destination for those seeking balance, health, and regeneration. Today, more than 135 years later, the town continues to nurture this tradition with innovative approaches to modern wellness and health.

Promotional film – a contemporary depiction of tradition and innovation

The promotional film "Oasis of health and wellbeing" has been designed to present Opatija in a modern and dynamic way, showcasing it as a place that blends the rich history of health tourism with the current trends of active leisure and wellness. The production company Filmerija from Rijeka is responsible for the film's visual and technical quality, while the attractive shots have been carefully selected to highlight the most beautiful aspects of the destination.

The film was shot in both horizontal and vertical formats, adapted for different platforms and communication channels. The one-minute, 15-second, and 30-second versions allow flexibility in presentation, making it ideal for social networks, promotional events, and digital campaigns. The focus is placed on activities such as yoga, running, cycling, paddleboarding, and nature meditation, as well as luxurious treatments like massages, saunas, and private spa experiences.

Destination of health and natural wellbeing

Opatija takes pride in its unique blend of natural factors that positively impact the body and mind. The mild Mediterranean climate, clean sea aerosol, and fresh air from the slopes of Mount Učka create perfect conditions for regeneration. This advantage is highlighted in the film through depictions of well-known locations such as the Lungomare seaside promenade, the Angiolina Park, and hidden gems in the hinterland of Učka.

Diversity of offerings for the modern visitor

Along with health tourism, Opatija offers a wide range of activities for all ages and preferences. The film emphasizes outdoor recreational possibilities, from cycling paths to well-maintained coastlines perfect for walking. Luxury hotels and the special Thalassotherapia clinic offer personalized treatments, while wellness centers provide relaxation and detoxification through various programs.

Long-term promotion of the project

This film represents just one of the initiatives in the long-term project "Opatija – oasis of health and wellness." The project includes year-round activities, promotional packages, and events dedicated to health. In 2025, the promotion will be further intensified through the online channels of the Opatija Tourist Board and participation in international fairs and conferences.

Opatija, with its unique blend of tradition and modernity, continues to adapt to the needs of the modern visitor, making every stay an unforgettable experience of relaxation, regeneration, and enjoyment of natural beauty.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 14 Dezember, 2024
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