The arrival of the first T'way Air flight with 337 passengers on the regular route Seoul - Zagreb was marked by a traditional water salute. This landing marked the reconnection of the capitals of South Korea and Croatia after five years. The last flight on this route was in November 2019, so the renewal of this line is an important event for Zagreb Airport.
T'way Air will fly on this route three times a week, starting from May 16 to October 26, 2024. Flights will be available on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, operated by an A330-300 aircraft with a capacity of 347 seats. The expected arrival time in Zagreb is 19:55, and the departure is scheduled for 21:25. Zagreb is T'way Air's first European destination, followed by Paris, Rome, Barcelona, and Frankfurt. Flights can be booked on T'way Air's website.
The CEO of T'way Air, Hong-Geun Jeong, highlighted the company's commitment to developing the tourism industry in Croatia and promoting good relations between the two countries through increased exchange of people and goods during the inaugural flight.
Nicolas Duthilleul, Chief Operating Officer of Zagreb International Airport, expressed satisfaction that Seoul and Zagreb are reconnected with regular flights after five years. He also announced further efforts to establish a year-round route with more frequencies, which would further improve Zagreb's connectivity with South Korea.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 23 Juni, 2024
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