Zagreb, Dubrovnik and Istria are the first Virtuoso Digital Destinations in Europe to attract American tourists with higher purchasing power

Zagreb, Dubrovnik and Istria became the first European destinations in the Virtuoso Digital Destination project, promoting luxury travel and attracting American tourists through innovative marketing campaigns and high-quality content.

Zagreb, Dubrovnik and Istria are the first Virtuoso Digital Destinations in Europe to attract American tourists with higher purchasing power
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Zagreb, Dubrovnik and Istria have once again been highlighted as popular destinations among American tourists with higher spending power, thanks to the collaboration with the Virtuoso consortium and the tourist boards that have long been investing in promotion on the North American market – the Tourist Boards of the City of Zagreb, Istria and Dubrovnik.

The latest Virtuoso Digital Destination (VDD) project has enabled better presentation of offers from these destinations, education, and interaction with the network of Virtuoso agencies and travel advisors. Zagreb, Dubrovnik and Istria are the first European destinations included in the VDD project, after Australia, Canada, and Los Cabos. The project is designed to enhance the user experience on, the leading global network specialized in luxury travel, providing a comprehensive platform dedicated to attractive destinations. By combining appealing design, quality content, and targeted marketing campaigns, VDD transcends traditional destination promotion methods and effectively increases interest among potential visitors.

The creation of content for Zagreb, Istria, and Dubrovnik involved employees of the mentioned tourist boards, the Virtuoso team, and three renowned journalists – Kristin Vuković, David Farley, and Alex Crevar. The content is available at:

The Virtuoso Digital Destination project is designed to further enhance the user experience on, the leading global network specializing in luxury and experiential travel. The goal is to provide a comprehensive platform dedicated to attractive destinations, combining visually appealing design, high-quality written content, and engaging video materials, and targeted marketing campaigns that go beyond traditional destination promotion methods.

The USA is a key distant market
Martina Bienenfeld, Director of the Tourist Board of the City of Zagreb, stated: “The USA market represents a key market where we have been continuously promoting Zagreb for years. The exceptional interest in Zagreb is confirmed by the results of the first part of this year, with more than 30,000 arrivals and 67,000 overnight stays, representing an 11 percent increase compared to last year. Virtuoso's focus on luxury and tailored travel experiences sets it apart as a top resource for those seeking unique and high-quality experiences. Participation in this project is a natural progression of our promotional activities in the American market, especially since similar marketing campaigns successfully stimulate the growth of activities and engagement of travel agencies and advisors. Available data show that the project has so far resulted in multiple increases in interest for the promoted destinations.”

The Virtuoso Digital Destination project represents an innovative approach to promoting tourist destinations, allowing detailed and appealing content presentation and better interaction with the target audience. The participation of Zagreb, Dubrovnik, and Istria in this project further strengthens their position in the American market, which is a key segment for Croatian tourism.

Denis Ivošević, Director of the Istrian Tourist Board, added: “Although the American market is not among the top 10 most significant for Istria, it is very important, especially during the winter months, pre-season, and post-season, and in the luxury accommodation segment. Since Istria became a Virtuoso preferred partner, this trend has become significantly more noticeable. Being part of the Virtuoso network is important for sustainable and responsible development, as well as innovative projects related to health and wellbeing. Every year, about 300 million euros are invested in Istria in new development, raising the quality of accommodation and services, and increasing the competitiveness of destinations. Collaboration with Virtuoso is of invaluable importance.”

The Virtuoso network allows the tourist boards of Zagreb, Dubrovnik, and Istria to present their offers to a wide audience of American travelers seeking luxury and unique experiences. Participation in the Virtuoso Digital Destination project will further enhance the perception of these destinations among high-spending tourists and potential visitors from the USA.

Dubrovnik as a luxury destination
The Director of the Dubrovnik Tourist Board, Miroslav Drašković, stated: “The previous successes in attracting American tourists encourage us to further enhance Dubrovnik's tourist offer through the Virtuoso Digital Destination project. This collaboration allows us to present and highlight the charms of Dubrovnik through high-quality marketing campaigns and content. Dubrovnik offers a range of options for luxury travelers, from visits to historical landmarks to top-notch gastronomic experiences and luxury accommodation. Direct flights between Dubrovnik and the USA facilitate travel and enable a larger number of tourists to experience everything our city has to offer. The American market records growth every year, and in 2024 we have an increase of 13 percent in arrivals and 11 percent in overnight stays compared to the record year of 2019.”

Javier Guillermo, Director of Virtuoso Strategic Partnerships, stated: “The Virtuoso Digital Destination has proven to be very effective among high-spending travelers. VDD and digital campaigns for Canada, Australia, and Los Cabos have driven significant growth in interest and user engagement. The success of the project is measured through the growth of travel bookings to these destinations.”

We remind you, Virtuoso is the leading global network for luxury travel with more than 20,000 travel advisors and 2,200 partners, including hotels, villas, tour operators, DMCs, cruise companies, and tourist boards. Virtuoso is synonymous with expertise, safety, trust, and high-quality service. The platform allows users to access detailed information about luxury destinations, personalized travel, and exclusive offers available only through the Virtuoso network.

The Virtuoso consortium allows for a detailed presentation of tourist destinations, focusing on experiential and luxury travel. The participation of Zagreb, Dubrovnik, and Istria in the Virtuoso Digital Destination project further emphasizes their importance and popularity among American tourists, providing them with the opportunity to enjoy unique and high-quality travel experiences.

Projects like Virtuoso Digital Destination enable tourist destinations to stand out in the global market and attract the attention of high-spending tourists. Through this project, Zagreb, Dubrovnik, and Istria have secured their position among the most attractive European destinations for luxury travel, providing tourists with unique experiences and a high level of service.

Collaboration with the Virtuoso network opens numerous opportunities for the promotion of destinations and attracting tourists seeking luxury travel. The Virtuoso Digital Destination project provides a platform for detailed and appealing offer presentations, allowing destinations to stand out in the global market and attract the attention of potential visitors.

Investments in the promotion of tourist destinations through projects like Virtuoso Digital Destination bring numerous benefits, including an increase in the number of visitors and overnight stays, as well as strengthening the image of destinations globally. Through this collaboration, Zagreb, Dubrovnik, and Istria further strengthen their position among the most desirable destinations for luxury travel.

The Virtuoso network provides tourist boards the opportunity to attract the attention of high-spending tourists through targeted marketing campaigns and high-quality content. The participation of Zagreb, Dubrovnik, and Istria in the Virtuoso Digital Destination project allows them to present themselves to a wide audience and attract a larger number of visitors from the USA.

The platform offers users detailed information about luxury destinations, personalized travel, and exclusive offers, further increasing potential visitors' interest in Zagreb, Dubrovnik, and Istria. The Virtuoso Digital Destination project ensures that these destinations are visible and appealing to a wide audience, providing them the opportunity to enjoy unique travel experiences.

The participation of Zagreb, Dubrovnik, and Istria in the Virtuoso Digital Destination project represents an important step in promoting these destinations in the American market. Through collaboration with the Virtuoso network, these destinations have the opportunity to present their offers to a wide audience and attract a larger number of high-spending tourists.

Investments in the promotion of tourist destinations through projects like Virtuoso Digital Destination bring numerous benefits, including an increase in the number of visitors and overnight stays, as well as strengthening the image of destinations globally. Through this collaboration, Zagreb, Dubrovnik, and Istria further strengthen their position among the most desirable destinations for luxury travel.

The Virtuoso network provides tourist boards the opportunity to attract the attention of high-spending tourists through targeted marketing campaigns and high-quality content. The participation of Zagreb, Dubrovnik, and Istria in the Virtuoso Digital Destination project allows them to present themselves to a wide audience and attract a larger number of visitors from the USA.

The platform offers users detailed information about luxury destinations, personalized travel, and exclusive offers, further increasing potential visitors' interest in Zagreb, Dubrovnik, and Istria. The Virtuoso Digital Destination project ensures that these destinations are visible and appealing to a wide audience, providing them the opportunity to enjoy unique travel experiences.

The participation of Zagreb, Dubrovnik, and Istria in the Virtuoso Digital Destination project represents an important step in promoting these destinations in the American market. Through collaboration with the Virtuoso network, these destinations have the opportunity to present their offers to a wide audience and attract a larger number of high-spending tourists.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 26 Juni, 2024
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