Central Istria at any time of the year: a tourist film that reveals the beauties of Istria through all seasons

The Central Istria Tourist Board has presented a new promotional film that shows the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Istria through all seasons, attracting tourists from all over the world.

Central Istria at any time of the year: a tourist film that reveals the beauties of Istria through all seasons
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

The Central Istria Tourist Board presented a new promotional film "Central Istria All Seasons" as part of its long-term campaign to promote Istria as a year-round destination. This film, conceived in collaboration with the production company Level 52, focuses on showcasing the diversity and beauty of the region through the four seasons, inviting tourists to discover not only the natural beauties but also the rich culture, history, and gastronomy of Central Istria.

In recent years, Central Istria has established itself as a destination that offers not only summer vacations but also activities that attract nature lovers, history buffs, and gastronomy enthusiasts throughout the year. The film uses impressive visual effects to bring viewers closer to the specifics of each season—from the spring bloom and festivals, through summer adrenaline activities outdoors, to autumn gastronomic events and winter landscapes, ideal for a more tranquil form of vacation. Through a unique blend of nature and culture, the film successfully portrays Istria as a destination that offers more than just ordinary summer holidays, but experiences that leave a lasting impression on visitors.

This new promotional work has already entered competitive programs at numerous prestigious international tourism film festivals, such as The Golden City Gate ITB in Berlin and the TRAVEL FILM International Film Festival in Russia, where the previous film "Central Istria - Dare to Explore" won several awards. Through these submissions, Central Istria continues to strengthen its recognition on the global tourism scene, contributing to an increased interest from tourists worldwide. Participation in such events further emphasizes the quality of production and promotion of the region.

Production team and technical aspects of the film

The film crew behind the project consists of some of the most prominent experts in the industry. The director and author of the film, Sanel Isanović, in collaboration with Daniel Janko (editing and color correction) and Antonio Zulijani (cinematographer), managed to capture the essence of Istria through impressive shots of nature and everyday life. The production company Level 52 from Labin is responsible for the technical side of the production, including sound recording, mixing, mastering, and lighting. The music accompanying the visuals was composed by Isanović himself, creating an atmosphere perfectly suited to the visual story being told.

Drones also provide a special contribution, enabling spectacular shots of the landscapes, and the drone operators’ team, led by Isanović and Zulijani, successfully captured wide panoramas of olive groves, vineyards, and medieval towns. Through these aerial shots, viewers can experience Istria from a completely new perspective, further emphasizing the magic of this area. Narrator Claire Coyle, with her pleasant voice, guides viewers through the story, while the musical arrangements add a layer of emotional depth.

Impact on tourism promotion

The film "Central Istria All Seasons" is not just a means of promoting natural beauties, but also a powerful tool for encouraging year-round tourism. In recent years, Istria has increasingly attracted travelers seeking authentic experiences, far from mass tourism. This specific audience is the target group for this film—people who want to explore the hidden treasures of the region, taste local food and wine, and get acquainted with the traditions passed down from generation to generation.

Given the previous successes with the films "Central Istria - Dare to Explore" and "Authentic Istria - Good mood / Good food," the Central Istria Tourist Board has high expectations for the new film. Previous films have won numerous awards at international festivals, including silver at The Golden City Gate ITB festival in Berlin and gold at the World Media Festival in Hamburg. With high-quality standards, it is expected that this new film will continue to achieve success, further increasing tourist interest in Central Istria.

Promotional films like these are crucial for strengthening the destination brand, and Central Istria, with this film, takes a step further, presenting the region as a dynamic and diverse destination that offers something for everyone, regardless of the season. This type of promotion not only increases the number of visits to the region but also encourages long-term tourism growth, ensuring that Istria remains relevant on the global tourism map.

The film "Central Istria All Seasons" is available for viewing on video-sharing platforms and has already received positive reactions from viewers. In the coming months, the film will be submitted to more festivals around the world, and the Central Istria Tourist Board expects that its screening will attract even more tourists eager for authentic experiences and unforgettable adventures.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 10 Oktober, 2024
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