Varaždin will be in the spotlight for speed enthusiasts this weekend as the popular drag race returns for the fourth time at the local airport. Organized by the MK Metalni racing team, the event is scheduled for August 10 and 11, 2024, at Varaždin Airport. This is an exceptional opportunity for all adrenaline junkies to witness a true spectacle on wheels.
Event Program
Training and qualifications will take place each morning from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, while the races are scheduled for 1:00 PM. More than 150 participants from eight different countries have registered for the competition, highlighting its status as a truly international event that attracts many competitors and spectators.
Tickets and Visitor Tips
Tickets are priced at 10 euros per day, while entry is free for children under 14. Early arrival is recommended due to the expected large number of visitors, to ensure you secure your spot and enjoy the full program without rushing. Tickets can be purchased on-site on the day of the event.
Exciting Additional Attractions
Visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy thrilling acrobatic performances by Dejan Špoljar and his team. These skilled drivers will showcase their expertise in motorcycle stunts. For the youngest visitors, inflatables are provided so they can also experience part of the excitement of this event.
Gastronomic Offer
This year, the event is enriched with additional food and drink options. Visitors will have the opportunity to taste local delicacies and refresh themselves during the hot summer day, adding to the overall experience. A diverse selection of local specialties is available to satisfy all tastes and enhance the experience of attending the event.
For more information and details about the event itself, visitors can check the official Facebook page. Click on this link to learn more and follow the latest announcements.
Recommended accommodation nearby:
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 08 August, 2024
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