Advent in Gospić once again delighted with a rich program, musical performances and a fire show

After Saturday's break due to the Day of Mourning, Advent in Gospić returned in full glory with creative workshops, concerts of GS Big Band and Gentlemen and a spectacular fire show, creating an unforgettable holiday atmosphere for all generations.

Advent in Gospić once again delighted with a rich program, musical performances and a fire show
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

After a short break due to the commemoration of the Day of Mourning in Croatia, Gospić has once again become the center of festive cheer with Advent in the heart of Lika. This event, which attracts more and more visitors year after year, offered an unforgettable experience with its variety and richness of the program to all those who decided to spend the evening in this picturesque town in Lika.

The Saturday break did not diminish the enthusiasm of the organizers or the visitors, who eagerly awaited the continuation of the program. The evening began at 5 PM with creative workshops for all ages. The youngest had the opportunity to try making Christmas decorations, while the adults participated in workshops on traditional crafts like knitting and decorating Christmas cookies. The atmosphere was further enriched by costumed performers, who delighted the audience with their animations.

Performances that amazed the audience

A special magic to the evening was brought by the Wind Orchestra of the City of Gospić, whose performances of classical and Christmas pieces brought warmth to the cold winter night. Before their performance, visitors had the chance to enjoy a music workshop by the Public Open University, which further contributed to the educational and entertaining aspect of the event.

This was followed by the performance of the GS Big Band, a well-known local band that has already won the hearts of the local audience. With their unique arrangements and performances of popular hits, they created a relaxed atmosphere, inviting visitors to dance and enjoy the music. However, the highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the concert of the band Džentlmeni. Their diverse repertoire and energetic performance attracted an audience of all generations, creating a true Christmas ambiance that will be remembered for a long time.

Christmas atmosphere with a fire show

Besides the musical performances, visitors could also enjoy a spectacular fire show, which enchanted everyone present. The performances with fire and light effects were a true treat for the eyes, while the youngest were thrilled by the animations and interaction with the performers. These types of activities not only bring joy but also enrich the program, making Advent in Gospić a unique experience.

The program continues

Advent in the heart of Lika continues with a rich program in the coming days. Tonight’s evening is reserved for the performance of the famous singer Zsa Zsa, who will continue the festive mood with her voice and energy. Along with the musical program, visitors will be able to enjoy various entertainment activities, including children’s games, performances, and many more surprises.

The Christmas decoration of Gospić, the smell of mulled wine, and the variety of local products at the Advent stands further contribute to the warmth of this event. The organizers have once again ensured that Advent in Gospić is an event that brings together tradition, community, and festive joy in the best possible way.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 23 Dezember, 2024
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