Poreč Summer, under the patronage of the Tourist Board of the City of Poreč and the City of Poreč-Parenzo, brings a rich program for all age groups and different tastes this week.
Musical Evening with Klapa Cambi
On Thursday, July 18, starting at 9 PM at Trg Slobode, there will be a musical evening with one of the most famous Croatian klapas - Klapa Cambi. Their excellent vocal performances and interpretations of Dalmatian songs guarantee an unforgettable evening filled with emotional and authentic music. Klapa Cambi is recognized for their heartfelt performances, and this concert is an opportunity to enjoy traditional Croatian music in the heart of Poreč.
Exhibition of Istrian Indigenous Products
On the same day, from 9 AM to 9 PM, at Trg Slobode, there will be an Exhibition of Istrian Indigenous Products. Local family farms will showcase their products, including honey and bee products, olive oil, vegetables, hemp and lavender products, natural cosmetics, cured meats, various types of flour, goji berry products, wine, brandies, and fruit products. This is an excellent opportunity to taste and buy authentic Istrian products.
Latino Party
On Saturday, July 20, at Trg Slobode starting at 9 PM, there will be a Latino party. DJ Fabris, known for his energetic and dynamic sets, will ensure a great atmosphere. The evening will be filled with the hot rhythms of salsa, bachata, kizomba, and other Latin hits that will make you want to dance. Come and enjoy great music and fun under the starry sky of Poreč. All programs of Poreč Summer are free, and the event schedule can be found on the Tourist Board's website of the city of Poreč http://www.myporec.com/.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 16 Juli, 2024
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