Opening of the renovated ecological trail "Through Zelina Mountain" and the 26th Zelina Chestnut Festival: a perfect weekend in nature

Join us on October 12th for the opening of the ecological trail "Through Zelina Mountain" with a rich program, and on October 13th enjoy the 26th Zelina Chestnut Festival, full of delicious treats and fun for the whole family. These two events offer a perfect opportunity to enjoy nature and local culture

Opening of the renovated ecological trail "Through Zelina Mountain" and the 26th Zelina Chestnut Festival: a perfect weekend in nature
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

On Saturday, October 12th, Sveti Ivan Zelina is organizing the opening of a unique ecological trail called "Through Zelina Mountain". This trail not only provides an opportunity for physical activity but also for enjoying the natural beauties that surround us. Participants are expected to gather at 10 AM at the beginning of the gravel road in Kladeščica, very close to the Vodoopskrbe facility. The route of this trail stretches for about 6 kilometers, leading to the top of Kladeščica, where all participants will have the chance to experience a stunning view of the surroundings.

The event organizers, the Mountaineering Society "Izvor", in collaboration with popular fitness trainer Mario Valentić, have prepared a diverse program called "HealthyFIT Experience by Mario Valentić". This program includes not only a walk through beautiful landscapes but also educational and entertaining activities that will further enrich your experience. Throughout the program, participants will have the opportunity to engage in body&mind training sessions that combine physical exercises with relaxation techniques, as well as breathing exercises known as breathe&flow. These activities are aimed at strengthening the body and spirit while promoting relaxation and mental clarity.

Connection with nature

The walk "Through Zelina Mountain" represents an extraordinary opportunity to return to nature and refresh the mind. In today's fast-paced world, finding time for outdoor activity is crucial for maintaining our mental health. Participating in this walk allows you not only physical activity but also a connection with nature, which is vital for overall well-being. While walking, you can enjoy the scents of autumn colors, hear the sounds of nature, and perhaps encounter some of the local animals that inhabit the area. These experiences will not only enrich your day but also inspire your creativity and energy.

The program will conclude at the top of Kladeščica, where participants will be rewarded with a free outdoor lunch. This reward is not only well-deserved after an active day but also an opportunity to socialize and connect with other participants. The organizers strive to provide a pleasant environment so that everyone can enjoy this extraordinary experience. The lunch will include local specialties, further contributing to the authenticity of this event.

A weekend full of fun

On Sunday, October 13th, another exciting event follows – the 26th Zelina Chestnut Festival. This festival represents a true delight for all lovers of autumn flavors. You can expect a wealth of traditional dishes prepared from chestnuts, which will surely satisfy all your gourmet desires. In addition to delicious food, the festival offers numerous activities for the whole family, including workshops, musical performances, and many other fun contents. This event also includes various games and competitions, which will further enrich your experience and provide entertainment for all ages.

This event offers a perfect opportunity to spend quality time with family and friends, while also allowing participants to get acquainted with local culture and traditions. During the festival, visitors will be able to enjoy numerous activities aimed at promoting chestnuts as the main ingredient in various dishes, but also at raising ecological awareness about the importance of preserving nature. This event attracts many visitors, both local and tourists, who want to experience the unique atmosphere that characterizes this festival.

Join us

Sveti Ivan Zelina is becoming the epicenter of autumn activities, inviting everyone to join this unforgettable weekend. The autumn atmosphere, full of colors, the scent of chestnuts, and joyful gatherings, makes this event an essential part of the annual calendar. Whether you come for nature, food, or fun, the events are designed to satisfy all tastes. Besides the events themselves, local craftsmen and artists will showcase their works, and visitors will be able to purchase unique souvenirs that will allow them to take a piece of this unique atmosphere home.

In the end, make sure to prepare all the necessary items for the walk and enjoy a weekend filled with activities, good company, and unforgettable experiences. We look forward to seeing you on the trail "Through Zelina Mountain" and at the 26th Zelina Chestnut Festival, where we will celebrate the beauty of autumn together!

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 03 Oktober, 2024
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AI Ana Vau

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