Festival Meat Me 5.0: Enjoy Dalmatian meat specialties in Zadar from 9 to 12 October 2024.

In the second half of October, Zadar becomes the epicenter of gastronomic delights thanks to the Meat Me festival. This event, held from 9 to 12 October 2024, brings a rich offer of meat dishes and wines, and celebrates the Dalmatian culinary tradition through a variety of specialties.

Festival Meat Me 5.0: Enjoy Dalmatian meat specialties in Zadar from 9 to 12 October 2024.
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

On the occasion of the fifth edition of the Meat Me festival, Zadar is once again preparing to become the center of gastronomic offerings. This popular festival, which takes place from October 9 to 12, 2024, brings a variety of meat dishes and wines, celebrating the rich culinary tradition of Dalmatia. The festival will be held at the old market in the heart of the city, where visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy the authentic delicacies of this region.

Traditional meat dishes

The Meat Me festival was first organized in 2019 as a smaller boutique event, but soon gained popularity among the local population and tourists. This year, the festival will once again gather the four most famous Zadar butcheries – Paleka, Biloglav, Gobin, and Lukin. These butcheries will provide quality meat products, enabling the preparation of numerous specialties that local restaurants such as Hedonist and konoba Martina from Zaglav will offer.

Educational aspect

In addition to hospitality teams, students and professors from the Zadar Hotel Management and Tourism School will also participate in the preparation of dishes. This collaboration encourages the education of young chefs and waiters, strengthening the local community and preserving culinary traditions. During the festival, visitors will have the chance to learn about different meat preparation techniques and traditional recipes, adding extra value to the festival.

Prices and humanitarian work

One of the special features of the festival is the affordability of dish prices, which will be significantly lower than regular restaurant prices. Partial proceeds from sales will be donated to humanitarian purposes, adding a special meaning to this event. Thus, the festival not only promotes gastronomy but also contributes to the community and encourages a culture of solidarity.

Wine offerings and workshops

Besides meat specialties, the festival will offer a rich selection of wines and cocktails. There will be a special corner for olive growers where visitors can taste various olive oils. Additionally, free wine workshops are planned, providing interesting information about local wines, further enriching the visitors' experience.

Music program and entertainment

The festival will not only be gastronomic but also an entertaining event. A DJ will be present daily to ensure a great atmosphere, and concerts by well-known performers are also planned. On Thursday, Lucija Marcelić & Pink Noise will perform at the festival, while Friday will be marked by rock & roll with the band Swingers. The climax of the festival will be the Saturday performance by Kuzma & Shaka Zulu, who will surely elevate the atmosphere to a high level.

Why visit Meat Me?

The Meat Me 5.0 festival represents a perfect opportunity for all lovers of good food, culture, and entertainment. With a rich offer of meat delicacies, interesting workshops, and a diverse music program, this festival is an unmissable place for everyone who wants to experience a true Dalmatian gastronomic adventure. Whether you are a local visitor or a tourist, the Meat Me festival will surely leave an unforgettable impression.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 30 September, 2024
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