In honor of Florio Burburan, an exceptional marathon swimmer whose roots can be traced back to the village of Dragozetići on the island of Cres, a series of sporting events will be held on August 30 and 31, 2024, in Cres. The event is designed to preserve the memory of this sports giant and to promote healthy lifestyles and swimming as a discipline that brings together all generations.
First day of the event - water polo and synchronized swimming
The program starts on Friday, August 30, in the area by the waterfront in front of the "Santa Lucia" restaurant, where a friendly water polo match will be held between the water polo clubs "Mali Lošinj" and "Primorje". During the match break, those gathered will have the opportunity to enjoy a performance by the synchronized swimmers of the "Primorje Aqua Maris" club, whose performance is always a spectacle for all present. After this match, a recreational water polo tournament is scheduled, where teams will consist of three players playing on one goal. The tournament is accompanied by an entertainment program and appropriate prizes, and registration is possible at the Santa Lucia restaurant or by phone at 099/5200227.
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Swimming marathon and workshop for the youngest
Saturday's part of the program, August 31, begins at 12:00 with a 50-meter swimming race for children. Immediately after the children's race, at 12:30, a 1000-meter swimming marathon will follow, intended for recreational swimmers and people with disabilities. This event offers all participants the opportunity to test themselves in swimming, regardless of their abilities or previous experience. The pride of the Cres Memorial, the 5th swimming marathon named "VALUN – CRES MEMORIAL FLORIO BURBURAN," will start from Valun at 17:00, and the length of the course is 8000 meters. This marathon brings together swimmers from various regions, and its goal is to preserve the memory of Florio Burburan and to promote swimming and other water sports.
Florio Burburan - inspiration for all generations
Florio Burburan was born on June 16, 1952, in Rijeka, and from birth, he faced the challenges of cerebral palsy. However, for him, this was never an obstacle but rather a motivation to put in extra effort and achieve exceptional results. Through his sports career, he earned the nickname "Kvarner Dolphin," becoming a symbol of courage and perseverance in Croatian sports. His contribution to swimming for people with disabilities in Croatia and beyond left an indelible mark, while his achievements pushed the boundaries of what was considered possible.
Organizers and sponsors of the event
The organization of this two-day event was taken over by the Long-Distance Swimming Club Primorje, with the support of local enthusiast and marathon swimmer Danijel Brnić and members of Florio Burburan's family. This year's novelty is a two-day swimming workshop for children held at the Kovačine camp, which gathered 36 children from different countries. The goal of the workshop was to encourage non-swimmers to gain confidence in the water and to motivate them to participate in swimming competitions, such as the 50-meter race.
Support from the local community and sponsors
This sporting event would not be possible without the support of the Cres Tourist Board, the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, and the City of Cres, as well as numerous sponsors who recognized the value of this initiative. Their support enables the continuation of this event, which not only preserves the memory of Florio Burburan but also encourages new generations to engage in sports and a healthy lifestyle.
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Erstellungszeitpunkt: 27 August, 2024
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