Chef Ivan Pažanin presented the new a la carte season at Villa Rose on Koločep, providing an exclusive gourmet experience on the Adriatic

Chef Ivan Pažanin presented the new a la carte season at Villa Rose on Koločep, offering an exclusive gourmet experience with a superb offer of food and drinks, located in the beautiful surroundings of this island.

Chef Ivan Pažanin presented the new a la carte season at Villa Rose on Koločep, providing an exclusive gourmet experience on the Adriatic
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

In Villa Rose on Koločep, chef Ivan Pažanin presented the new a la carte season.

The exclusive gourmet experience was held in the unique setting of Villa Rose, located on the coast of the picturesque island of Koločep. Chef Ivan Pažanin prepared a culinary show titled "Lito na pjatu", introducing the new season of the restaurant, now open as an a la carte restaurant. Villa Rose provided a stunning maritime backdrop for the gastronomic journey led by the renowned Croatian chef, highlighting a premium food offering created especially for this evening.

Behind the gastronomic experience at Villa Rose are experts with international experience, creating an impressive selection of food prepared from fresh local ingredients. Alongside excellent food, guests can enjoy a selection of top Croatian and world beverages. A rich wine list of the best Croatian wines, carefully paired with the dishes, contributes to the unique gastronomic experience. Impeccable service and a unique atmosphere complement this journey through modern Croatian cuisine, woven from traditional elements.

The new a la carte era
Villa Rose reopens its doors as an a la carte restaurant, offering an exclusive gourmet experience at one of the most beautiful locations on the Adriatic. The goal is to reposition Villa Rose at the top of the gastronomic scene, offering unique dishes and perfect service.

"We are extremely proud of this evening, as well as all the evenings that preceded it. Our experienced team is behind the kitchen and service of events, weddings, and parties, and now also behind the a la carte offer of the restaurant. This evening was an opportunity to present ourselves to all lovers of Dalmatian cuisine, eager for authentic food and the original story of this area, with the perfect backdrop of Villa Rose. To bring ourselves closer to all interested visitors, we use the Open Table app, where you can check availability and book the perfect place for a summer lunch or dinner with a unique sunset at any time." – said Marin Kurelić, director of the TUI BLUE Kalamota Island Hotel, TUI Hotels Croatia.

History and beauty of Villa Rose
Villa Rose, a beautiful estate just 11 kilometers from the center of Dubrovnik, dates back to the 1930s. Every corner of this villa exudes European elegance that takes your breath away. It was created as a symbol of love by a Dubrovnik merchant who gave the villa to his beloved wife. Surrounded by pine greenery and the enchanting blue of the Adriatic Sea, this charming beauty has provided a perfect backdrop for lunches, dinners, private and business events for almost a hundred years. The restaurant and lounge bar Villa Rose ( is a destination for hedonism and a place where important moments become the most beautiful memories.

TUI BLUE Kalamota Island Resort
The restaurant and lounge bar Villa Rose is one of the two restaurants of the TUI BLUE Kalamota Island Resort. This resort offers everything needed for a perfect summer vacation on the island of Koločep, where 200 residents and guests enjoy the beautiful symbiosis of forest vegetation, sandy beaches, and cultural monuments. TUI BLUE Hotels provide gastronomic experiences with a local touch, including authentic regional dishes. TUI BLUE is a global brand of the leading portfolio of leisure hotels TUI Hotels & Resorts (TUI Group) with over 90 hotels worldwide. Their portfolio includes top accommodation facilities at attractive locations on the Makarska Riviera and Dubrovnik's Elafiti Islands. All hotels in the group's portfolio operate under the global lifestyle hotel brand TUI BLUE, which offers travelers oriented towards experience a hotel product tailored to their individual needs.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 24 Juni, 2024
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