Cultural and gastronomic events in central Istria

Cultural and gastronomic events in central Istria from 8 to 14 July: enjoyment of films, theatre, music and prosciutto

The Central Istria Tourist Board organizes a series of events from July 8 to 14, including outdoor cinema, theater performances, music concerts and gastronomic events, with a special emphasis on Istrian prosciutto. Admission to all events is free.

Cultural and gastronomic events in central Istria from 8 to 14 July: enjoyment of films, theatre, music and prosciutto
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

The Tourist Board of Central Istria is organizing a series of events from July 8 to 14. The program includes various activities, from cultural events to gastronomic offerings, with a special emphasis on prosciutto.

The project "Discover Central Istria – Explore Central Istria" offers a rich program that includes quizzes, movie screenings, theater performances, music concerts, gastronomic fairs, and tastings.

Open-air cinema
In Sveti Lovreč on July 8, the film Ferrari will be shown, and there will also be a pub quiz Filmed in Istria. Sveti Petar u Šumi on July 10 will screen the film Valdova priča, while Pazin on July 12 offers a screening of the film Tarzan.

Flavors of Central Istria
After two successful interpretive walks, this project continues its journey in Pazin on July 8. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore the legends of Pazin and enjoy local delicacies at the end of the walk.

Theater performances
During the week, in Tinjan on July 10, there will be a performance called World of Fun for the youngest, and on July 14 in Sveti Petar u Šumi, there will be a play titled How to Survive a Mother-in-law? for adults.

Central Istria music experience
Pazin on July 11 will host Aldo Foško collective, who will present their debut album This One Time in the Park of Istrian Greats.

Gusti Lovreča
The event in Sveti Lovreč is held every Thursday until the end of August, including July 11. Visitors will be able to taste olive oils, wines, brandies, cheese, and cured meats with the music of the Brass band.

Folk festivals and concerts
Lindar and Pilati are hosts of traditional folk festivals from July 12 to 14. In Lupoglav on July 13, there will be a concert by Gustafi, while Sveti Lovreč on July 13 will host the Istrian Breweries Day.

Summer festival of Istrian prosciutto
The most popular event dedicated to Istrian prosciutto returns on July 12 and 13. Visitors will be able to enjoy prosciutto and wine with the music of the Alfa Time Band, 2BMB band, group Vigor, and Etaloni band.

We invite everyone to visit Central Istria during this period and enjoy a rich cultural program. All events are free and tailored to all ages and tastes. More information is available on the TZSI website, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


Erstellungszeitpunkt: 04 Juli, 2024

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