Špancirfest in Varaždin: ten days of art, music and gastronomic delights in the heart of the historic center

Varaždin once again becomes a center of entertainment with more than 500 events on 26. Špancirfest. Enjoy street performances, concerts and a rich eno-gastronomic offer that encompasses all tastes.

Špancirfest in Varaždin: ten days of art, music and gastronomic delights in the heart of the historic center
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Varaždin is once again the center of culture and entertainment as the 26th edition of Špancirfest has begun. Over the next ten days, the streets of Varaždin will host a variety of events, from street performances to concerts and theater shows. Visitors will have the opportunity to participate in a rich program that includes works by creatives, children's activities, and gourmet offerings in several festival zones.

Reviving the streets of Varaždin with spectacular performances
From the very first day of the festival, the streets of Varaždin become a stage for various artists and performers. Masters of stilt walking, including groups like Colour Queens and Sun & Water, attract the attention of all passersby with their bright costumes and impressive performances. Walking on three-meter-high stilts, they create a unique atmosphere that brings to life the magic of street art.

In King Tomislav Square, the energetic Sidral Brass Band from Spain will perform. Their performances are known for their powerful brass sounds and dynamic choreography that encourage the audience to dance and spread good vibes. This ten-member ensemble has become synonymous with quality entertainment and good times, so their performances are eagerly anticipated.
Click to view accommodation in Varaždin

An evening under the stars with top concerts
The main festival stage, located in the city center, will host the legendary band Prljavo kazalište tonight. This band from Dubrava, with a rich music career spanning nearly five decades, is performing at Špancirfest for the first time. Their concert promises a true musical spectacle that will satisfy all rock and domestic music lovers.

A romantic evening under the stars, on the stage near Villa Bedeković, will be complemented by the performance of 4 Tenors. This concert is already sold out in advance, which speaks to the great interest of the audience in top vocal performances. Those who managed to secure tickets can expect an evening filled with emotions and beautiful melodies that will further enrich the festival's atmosphere.
Click to view accommodation in Varaždin

A gastronomic paradise in the heart of Varaždin
In addition to the rich cultural offerings, Špancirfest also offers a real treat for gourmets. In the festival zones, visitors will be able to taste a variety of delicacies that include local specialties as well as creative dishes in a modern street food style. A special place is occupied by the Wine City, which has been attracting wine lovers from all over the region for the past ten years.

Located in the Old Town, the Wine City provides the perfect setting for tasting top-quality wines from over 30 domestic and international wineries. Visitors will also have the opportunity to enjoy selected Vindija cheeses and other delicacies that perfectly complement the wine offerings. This part of the festival is ideal for those who want to relax with a glass of wine and enjoy the idyllic atmosphere of historic Varaždin.

There are still many exciting moments ahead at Špancirfest, so don't miss the chance to visit Varaždin and experience everything this unique festival has to offer!

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Erstellungszeitpunkt: 23 August, 2024
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