Days of bread and gratitude for the fruits of the earth in Topusko

On Friday, October 18, 2024, Topusko becomes the center of the Days of Bread event, where local producers and schools showcase the richness of autumn fruits, traditions and culture through a diverse range of local products.

Days of bread and gratitude for the fruits of the earth in Topusko
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

The traditional event "Days of Bread - Days of Gratitude for the Fruits of the Earth" will take place on Friday, October 18, 2024, at Top-Terms Topusko. Starting at 10 a.m., this event brings together local producers, schools, and cultural institutions to celebrate the fruits of the earth and the wealth of domestic agriculture. The venue is in front of the reception at Ban Josip Jelačić Square 16, and the program is tailored to all ages, featuring a rich gastronomic offer and cultural activities.

The role of educational institutions

Students from the Topusko primary and secondary schools, the Topusko kindergarten, and local family farms will participate, presenting various domestic products such as bread, cakes, nuts, and other seasonal ingredients. Children will have the opportunity to learn about the importance of bread and the tradition of food preparation through various workshops and games. Special emphasis is placed on education about healthy eating and ecological agriculture, encouraging the preservation of tradition and healthy eating habits among children.

This year, the Days of Bread will be enriched with an additional cultural program featuring local cultural and artistic societies, and visitors will have the opportunity to participate in a competition for the best domestic products. The fair is an ideal opportunity for local farmers to showcase their products and receive recognition for their efforts in preserving domestic production.

Ecological and spiritual dimension

In addition to its educational and gastronomic roles, the Days of Bread in Topusko have a strong ecological and spiritual dimension. Awareness of environmental preservation and the importance of sustainable agriculture is promoted, and visitors will also be able to participate in a prayer of gratitude for the fruits of the earth. This aspect of the event is linked to World Food Day, which is celebrated on October 16, further emphasizing the global context of this tradition.

World Food Day and the Days of Bread not only celebrate the wealth of the earth's produce but also remind us of the importance of ensuring food for all people in the world. The event is thus an opportunity to promote solidarity and awareness of hunger and poverty issues, aiming to create a fairer and more sustainable food production system.

Diversity of offer and tradition

Visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy a diverse range of domestic products, from freshly baked pastries to indigenous varieties of apples and pumpkins. Local producers will showcase their best products at stalls, while children and youth will participate in creative workshops and exhibitions related to the fruits of the earth and ecological production.

All of this is complemented by a rich cultural program, featuring performances by folklore groups and musical ensembles. The Days of Bread provide an opportunity to promote local culture, tradition, and agricultural products, while also ensuring a space for socializing and community among residents and visitors.

This event plays a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage and raising awareness about the importance of healthy eating, ecological agriculture, and environmental preservation, offering visitors an unforgettable experience connected to local food, nature, and community.


Come and join this event that celebrates the fruits of the earth, promotes local producers, and provides an unforgettable experience for all ages. Enjoy the rich food offer, cultural program, and the community spirit that the Days of Bread in Topusko bring every year.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 18 Oktober, 2024
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