Days of porcini mushrooms and black truffles in Paka: enjoy competitions, culinary workshops and cultural sights

Days of porcini mushrooms and black truffles in Paka provide a unique opportunity to explore nature, enjoy delicious mushrooms, black truffles and various educational and entertainment facilities. Don't miss this unforgettable experience!

Days of porcini mushrooms and black truffles in Paka: enjoy competitions, culinary workshops and cultural sights
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

The "Mushroom and Black Truffle Days" event in Paka, held every autumn, has become one of the most significant events for nature lovers and gourmets. Originally conceived as a local celebration, this event has grown into a national attraction, drawing visitors from all over Croatia. Held since 2015, it offers an increasingly rich program each year, including competitions in mushroom foraging and black truffle hunting, culinary workshops, and guided nature walks.

One of the key events of the festival is the mushroom foraging competition, which takes place on September 22 this year. Foragers, whether experienced or beginners, head into the woods with baskets in search of these valuable fungi. After the foraging, a panel of experts, led by Professor Branko Bartolić from the Croatian Mycological Society, judges the collected mushrooms. Although the dry period has reduced the number of found mushrooms, visitors have had the opportunity to enjoy various other activities, such as excursions and educational workshops.

Visitors who are not interested in mushroom foraging can enjoy the cultural and historical landmarks of Paka. Guided tours of the Paka and Čanjevo fortresses, dating back to the 13th and 15th centuries, offer insight into the rich history of the region. The event also includes hikes on mountain trails, including a 10-kilometer route between the fortresses, which is ideal for recreational hikers and nature enthusiasts.

Culinary events and workshops

As part of the event, numerous culinary workshops are also held. These workshops bring together children and adults, led by renowned Croatian chefs such as Tomislav Špiček. At these workshops, participants have the chance to learn how to prepare various dishes made from mushrooms and black truffles, with tastings of these delicacies being a regular part of the event's program. Special attention is given to black truffles, whose hunting is one of the main attractions. Truffle hunting is particularly interesting because even non-professionally trained dogs can participate, and winners receive prizes.

This year, along with lectures on truffle cultivation and the ecological aspects of forests, visitors have had the opportunity to learn about beavers, as the largest dam in Varaždin County is located right in Paka. The program also includes educational walks to beaver dams, where experts explain their life and importance to the local ecosystem.

Tourist and cultural value of the event

The Mushroom and Black Truffle Days promote Paka as a tourist destination, and the event contributes to the recognition of this region. The Tourist Board of the City of Novi Marof is proud of the achievements of the event, which has evolved from a local celebration into an important event with national significance. The cultural and natural heritage of this area, including protected fortresses, regularly attracts an increasing number of visitors from all over Croatia, and the event is especially popular among nature enthusiasts, gourmets, and active vacationers.

To maintain relevance and interest, the organizers introduce new features every year. This year includes a fair of local products, archery promotions, and various animations for children. The entertainment program further enhances the atmosphere, and visitors can enjoy concerts and other cultural events.

The "Mushroom and Black Truffle Days" event is not only a gastronomic celebration but also an educational platform that promotes awareness of the importance of preserving nature and cultural heritage. With each new edition, the event attracts an increasing number of visitors, making Paka one of the most interesting destinations in Varaždin County.

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Erstellungszeitpunkt: 14 September, 2024
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