Spend July on Cres with a rich program of events and cultural events

Discover the beauties of Cres this July with klapa and jazz evenings, Summer Carnival, Cres boutique, free guided tours, Lubenice music evenings and many other interesting events.

Spend July on Cres with a rich program of events and cultural events
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

During July, various events are held on Cres, including klapa and jazz evenings, the Summer Carnival, Creska butega, free guided tours, Lubenice Music Evenings, Creska ovca, Theater at Pjaceta, and many other activities.

Creska butega and free guided tours “Cres City Tours for Everyone” continue in July after their success in June. Klapa evenings on the island of Cres take place from early July to mid-September, where visitors can enjoy klapa songs every Monday. Creska butega is held every Tuesday and Friday at the main city square, while free guided tours take visitors through the town of Cres every Tuesday.

Rute Cres organizes “Sheep Shenanigans” every Wednesday from early July to the end of August. Wool felting workshops for children are held at 10:00 AM, and for adults at 7:00 PM.

A Fishermen’s Festival will be held in Martinšćica on July 6, featuring local gastronomic delicacies and entertainment with the Macaklini band.

Cres Summer Jazz Nights take place from July 10 to mid-August. Concerts will be held in Cres (July 10 and August 14), Beli (July 24), Martinšćica (July 31), and Valun (July 17).

The “Creska ovca” event is held on July 13 with the aim of promoting island sheep farming. The program includes getting to know the Cres sheep, a sheep shearing competition, and the selection of the best ram. Visitors will be able to enjoy a gastronomic program and entertainment with Alen Vitasović.

Valun Summer Nights bring a concert by Walter Fuego on July 3 at 9:00 PM. Valun will also host children’s performances “Tončić Petešić” by GKL Rijeka (July 18) and “Chefs” by Teatar To Go (July 21).

At the charming Pjaceta square in the town of Cres, “Theater at Pjaceta” begins on July 19 with the children’s play “Tončić Petešić” by GKL Rijeka. The plays “Chefs” by Teatar To Go (July 22), “Connections without Connections” (July 23), “Stubborn Stick” by Recišou Association (July 24), “Island of Baobab” by RI Theater (July 25), “With a Backpack across Croatia” by RI Theater (July 26), and “What Will I Be When I Grow Up” by Little Theater (July 28) will follow.

Lubeničke Music Evenings begin on July 19 with the grand opening of the 35th edition of the festival, featuring the comic opera The Siege of Korčula produced by Opera bb from Zagreb. Performances will be held every Friday, including a concert by Flavio Apro (July 26), Chaos String Quartet (August 2), Sandra Bagarić and Darko Domitrović (August 9), and Lovro Marušić (August 16).

The Cres Summer Carnival will be held on July 20, with numerous carnival groups and entertainment lasting late into the night with the Malvazija band.

Two events are scheduled for July 21. Mate Solis Days at the St. Francis Monastery include a concert by Lidija Horvat Dunjko and an exhibition of student works. On the same day, the Cres Summer Cinema will premiere the documentary film Ogenj, with a bonus screening of the film Argus.

The traditional celebration of St. Anne - Anina takes place on July 26 in Vidovići, while the Days of Tramuntana begin on July 20 in Beli. Events include an Evening of Songs and Evergreens with performances by Josefina and Trio Rijo (July 20), the Beli Evening at Guvno (July 27), a concert by the group Ciplići (August 3), a performance by DJ Mrky (August 10), and the play Bura and Klobuk with a performance by Ensemble Intermezzo (August 17).

Beli offers an attractive multimedia exhibition at the Visitor Center and the Griffon Vulture Rescue Center, while Lubenice offers an interesting Sheep Farming Museum that showcases the centuries-old story of Cres sheep farming. Martinšćica has an exhibition at the Andrija Linardić Museum dedicated to the pioneers of immortelle essential oil production.

The Cres Museum hosts the exhibition “Heraldic Cres”, and on July 16, the exhibition “Three Stories about the Arsan Palace” opens. These exhibitions can be viewed until mid-October at the Renaissance Arsan Palace. The exhibition “Homage to Cres” by Nenad Martić can be viewed at the Moise Palace.

Many Cres cafes and restaurants organize live music on their terraces.

For more information, visit www.visitCres.hr

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 02 Juli, 2024
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