Vinodol Rose: an event that combines tradition, wine culture and the richness of cultural heritage in Novi Vinodolski

The Vinodol Rose, an event that revives the wine tradition and cultural heritage of Novi Vinodolski every year, celebrates its 20th anniversary. This three-day event combines historical customs, top quality wines and a rich program for all generations.

Vinodol Rose: an event that combines tradition, wine culture and the richness of cultural heritage in Novi Vinodolski
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Novi Vinodolski, a town rich in history and tradition, is known for its Ružica Vinodola event, which annually revives memories of old customs and the wine culture of this region. The event is based on a story from 1880 when the "Ružica" - the most valuable girl among the grape pickers - was selected. This tradition, deeply rooted in the lives of the locals, was revived in 2004 and has since been held every year, attracting visitors from all over.

Ancient customs and historical roots
According to oral tradition, the selection of the "Ružica" was a key event in the life of the community. During the grape harvest, girls competed in their diligence and skill, and the most valuable among them would be chosen as the "Ružica." She, crowned with a vine wreath and carrying a "skočac" - a vine branch with the most beautiful bunch of grapes - would lead a group of girls in traditional costumes. This tradition reflected the importance of viticulture and the role of women in preserving customs and culture.


Modern return to tradition
In 2004, this story was revived through the Ružica Vinodola event, which has become a central part of the cultural life of Novi Vinodolski. The event lasts for three days, and the contestants participate in nine different games, all related to viticulture, household chores, and wine serving. Every year, twelve girls from all over Croatia take on challenges that test their skill, dexterity, and knowledge of traditional crafts.
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20th anniversary celebration
This year, Ružica Vinodola celebrates its 20th anniversary, making this event even more festive and special. The program runs from August 22 to 25, with special emphasis on all those who have contributed to the organization over the past twenty years. During these days, competitions will be held in Pavlomir and Bribir, and Saturday, August 24, is reserved for a showcase competition involving media and tourism sector representatives. Many familiar faces are expected, and the most skilled among them will be rewarded with beautiful prizes.

Gastronomic and musical offerings
The musical program over the four days of the event includes performances by Klapa Kampanel, B Band, Damir Kedžo, Insula Group, Berekinija, DJ Saša Šoštarić, Dellboys, and Trend Group. In addition to musical delights, visitors will also enjoy gastronomic delicacies prepared by Antonija Mikac Tonka, known for participating in Masterchef. She will create a new dish for this occasion using traditional ingredients, which will pair perfectly with Ružica Vinodola, a rosé from Pavlomir Winery, the ideal drink for hot summer days.

Wine festival
An integral part of Ružica Vinodola is the Wine Festival, which this year further expands its program. In addition to Kvarner wines, wines from all over Croatia will be presented at the festival, including Slavonia, Međimurje, Istria, and Dalmatia. From August 23 to 25, visitors will have the opportunity to taste the best Croatian wine varieties, while exhibitors will present their highest quality wines and allow visitors to broaden their wine horizons. The Wine Festival further emphasizes the importance of viticulture in the cultural and social life of Kvarner.

Program for children
Ružica Vinodola offers a rich program for the youngest visitors as well. Children will be able to participate in puppet making, old-fashioned games, and ride a wooden carousel with baskets. They will especially enjoy the face painting corners, and as a souvenir, they can create a print on a canvas bag. Zola Flower Shop will take care of making floral wreaths, further reviving the atmosphere of past times and the tradition of Ružica.
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The entire event, from the rich cultural program to the wine festival and children's program, ensures an unforgettable experience for all visitors. Ružica Vinodola represents the perfect opportunity to discover the richness of tradition, enjoy excellent wines, and participate in preserving the cultural heritage that has shaped life in Kvarner for centuries. Everyone is invited to become part of this unique event, which is becoming increasingly important for Novi Vinodolski and its surroundings over the years.

Organizer: Novi Vinodolski Tourist Board and Vinodol Municipality Tourist Board with the support of the Kvarner Tourist Board and the Croatian National Tourist Board


Co-organizers: Novi Vinodolski Town, Vinodol Municipality, Pavlomir Wine House, Ružica Vinodola Association, Kvarner Wine Association, Novi Vinodolski Cultural Center

Sponsors: Arctic, Jamnica, Katarina Line, Marina Novi, Marengo Restaurant, API Kvarner, Primus Physio, Studio Moni, Zola Flower Atelier, Glamour Service Craft

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Erstellungszeitpunkt: 15 August, 2024
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