Valamar creates 230 jobs on Rab in the new Arba Resort for the summer of 2025 with a focus on local employment

Valamar plans to open a new luxury Arba Resort on the island of Rab in the summer of 2025, employing 230 people, 60 of them indefinitely. Incentives for local employees include an allowance of 400 euros per month.

Valamar creates 230 jobs on Rab in the new Arba Resort for the summer of 2025 with a focus on local employment
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Rab, October 21, 2024 – The new Arba Resort, which is set to be completed in the summer of 2025, represents one of the most significant tourism projects on the island of Rab. The investment of 54 million euros, located on the Kalifront peninsula, is already attracting attention from both the local community and the broader tourism public. With a capacity of 208 luxury accommodation units, this resort will have the ability to host 654 guests, providing them with a top-notch vacation experience in the midst of untouched nature and a Mediterranean ambiance.

This investment will not only elevate Rab's profile as one of the leading family destinations on the Adriatic but will also significantly contribute to the local economy. According to Mayor Nikola Grgurić, the project will not only enhance the island's tourism offerings but will also create new jobs and stimulate economic growth in a broader context, including construction, crafts, and trade.

Arba Resort will focus on sustainability, utilizing electric energy from renewable sources and offering locally grown food and beverages. Special attention is also dedicated to preserving nature and ensuring a pleasant stay for families with children, which includes improving the offerings and amenities at the popular Suha Punta beach, both for local residents and visitors.

New jobs and incentives for local workers

Valamar, as the leading employer in tourism, is opening 230 new jobs at the Arba Resort, of which 60 will be for indefinite periods. Hiring will focus on local labor, which is in line with the company’s long-standing policy that promotes year-round work and local employment. Employees living in the destinations or relocating permanently can expect additional financial benefits, including an allowance of 400 euros per month as part of the "Live the Destination" program.

This measure has already proven to be extremely successful, as more than 60% of the employees at Valamar's facilities on Rab are local residents. In total, over 700 workers are employed this year in Valamar’s hotels and camps on Rab, which confirms the high level of employee satisfaction with working conditions, including wages, benefits, and opportunities for career development.

Sustainable tourism and ecological awareness

Valamar's commitment to ecologically sustainable tourism is reflected in projects like the Arba Resort, where the emphasis will be on renewable energy sources and locally sourced materials. Additionally, the investment includes environmental landscaping, the construction of new walkways, and facilities by the sea, as well as the installation of modern equipment on beaches, which will further enrich the island of Rab's tourism offerings.

To ensure appeal to a broader segment of guests, the resort will offer various activities and amenities tailored to families, including outdoor and indoor pools, wellness centers, and various sports and recreational programs. Guests will be able to enjoy luxury accommodation options that combine modern design with traditional Mediterranean charm.

Career at Valamar – an opportunity for long-term employment

Employees at Arba Resort will be able to take advantage of all the benefits of working for the largest tourism company in Croatia, including attractive salaries, bonuses, and a range of benefits such as discounts with over 300 business partners. Valamar continuously invests in employee education and development, ensuring opportunities for advancement and professional training, making this company the most desirable employer in tourism.

These new jobs represent an excellent opportunity for anyone seeking employment in tourism, with the possibility of year-round employment and competitive salaries for professional positions such as chefs, waiters, and receptionists ranging from 1,400 to 2,000 euros net at the peak of the season. Meanwhile, positions such as housekeepers, assistant cooks, and servers offer salaries ranging from 1,000 to 1,300 euros.

Programs like "Roof over your head" provide employees with housing allowances of up to 500 euros per month, further improving living and working conditions on the island. Valamar's strategy includes further investments in local communities, providing stable and long-term employment opportunities for local residents.

All interested parties can find more information about open job positions on Valamar's "Good job at Valamar" page.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 21 Oktober, 2024
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