The flexible wearable collects energy from the body heat to power LEDS and sensors, bringing innovation to energy-sustainable technologies

Scientists at the University of Washington have developed a flexible wearable device that collects energy from the body's heat and uses it to power small electronic components, such as LEDS and sensors, reducing the need for batteries and creating sustainable solutions.

The flexible wearable collects energy from the body heat to power LEDS and sensors, bringing innovation to energy-sustainable technologies
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Technological innovation in the field of wearable devices is becoming increasingly relevant, and the latest research from the University of Washington shows that scientists have developed a flexible device capable of harvesting energy from human body heat. This device can power small electronic devices such as LED lights and sensors, providing a solution that reduces the need for traditional batteries, which are often depleted.

The device is highly durable, remaining functional even after being stretched and bent over 2,000 times, making it suitable for everyday use. Given that it can conform to the shape of the body, this technology could significantly enhance wearable tech, such as fitness wristbands, and beyond, thanks to the innovative use of thermoelectric semiconductors.

Key features of the technology

The primary layer of the device consists of thermoelectric semiconductors that convert thermal energy into electrical energy. These semiconductors are surrounded by composite materials with low thermal conductivity, which further increases the device's energy efficiency and reduces its weight. To ensure flexibility and conductivity, the semiconductors are connected by traces of liquid metal, which also facilitates heat transfer and maintains the device's flexibility. Thanks to these characteristics, the device can collect heat directly from the skin's surface and use it to power small electronic components.

One of the advantages of this technology is its potential application across various industries. For instance, devices could be used in data centers, where servers and other computing equipment generate significant amounts of heat. This heat could be harnessed to power sensors, thereby reducing the need for additional electrical energy and improving the overall energy efficiency of the system.

Applications and future of the technology

In addition to its use in wearable devices, the research team envisions other innovative applications for this device. For example, the technology could be implemented in virtual reality, where it could provide a sensation of warmth or coldness on the user's skin, greatly enhancing comfort and experience in augmented reality. Although these concepts are still in development, the potential for application is vast.

Another significant application of this technology involves the possibility of reversible use. Specifically, the device can operate in the reverse direction, generating heat or cold when electrical energy is applied. This feature opens the door to various possibilities, including applications in the clothing industry or virtual reality accessories.

Development and project support

The project was developed in Professor Mohammad Malakooti's laboratory, where simulations determined the best materials for this type of device. Almost all components were manufactured within the laboratory. This project is funded by the National Science Foundation, Meta, and Boeing, further highlighting the importance of this research for the broader technological sector.

The device is still in the early stages of development, but according to the researchers, its application could drastically improve wearable technologies, making them more efficient, durable, and long-lasting. Given that the device can use thermal energy directly from the human body, users will experience uninterrupted device operation without the need for battery replacements, thereby increasing environmental sustainability and reducing energy consumption.

Source: University of Washington

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 12 September, 2024
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