
A large asteroid impact 4 billion years ago drastically changed Ganymede

A large asteroid impact 4 billion years ago ...

Scientists have discovered that an asteroid 20 times larger than the one that wiped out the dinosaurs hit Ganymede, Jupiter's largest moon, 4 billion years ago, causing a significant change in its rotational axis and long-term consequences for its geology

Recent measurements of the universe have revealed the secrets of the cosmic optical background thanks to the spacecraft New Horizons, providing new insights into the history of galaxies and the evolution of the universe

Recent measurements of the universe have ...

NASA's New Horizons has provided the most accurate measurements of the cosmic optical background, light coming from all known galaxies, revealing new details about the evolution of the universe and galaxies throughout history

How dark matter and gravity form supermassive black holes in the early universe: james webb telescope discoveries change our understanding of the evolution of the universe

How dark matter and gravity form supermassive ...

Recent discoveries by the James Webb telescope suggest that dark matter plays a key role in the formation of supermassive black holes in the early universe by preventing hydrogen from cooling and allowing these giant objects to form much earlier than theories predicted

Ancient pairs of quasars discovered: insights into the development of supermassive black holes in the early universe during the merging of galaxies

Ancient pairs of quasars discovered: insights ...

New research reveals pairs of quasars in the early universe, pointing to the key role of galaxy mergers in the rapid growth of supermassive black holes. These findings provide valuable insights into the formation and evolution of early galaxies.

The first mappings of the velocity of dark and ordinary matter in the galactic cluster macs j0018.5+1626 reveal interesting phenomena through precise measurements of gas and stars within the collision of galactic clusters.

The first mappings of the velocity of dark ...

The discovery in the galactic cluster Macs J0018.5+1626 provides the first insight into the separation of dark matter and ordinary matter velocities during a collision, using advanced techniques such as the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel 'dovich effect to measure gas velocity.

Potential for life on Europa and Enceladus: new NASA research on the survival of organic molecules under the icy surfaces of Jupiter and Saturn

Potential for life on Europa and Enceladus: ...

New NASA research suggests that the oceans beneath the icy surfaces of Europa and Enceladus could support life. Organic molecules, such as amino acids, could survive despite harsh radiation, opening up the possibility of detecting signs of life without the need for deep drilling.

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