At the barracks "Colonel Mirko Vukušić" in Zemunik Donji on July 5, 2024, a ceremony was held to award the pilot's insignia of the Croatian Air Force to the flight students and cadets of the 28th generation of military pilots.
Seven participants, including five male students and two female students, successfully completed their academic education at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb. They underwent flight training on ZLIN-242L and Pilatus PC-9M aircraft at the 392nd Airplane Squadron of the 93rd Wing of the Croatian Air Force, and on the BELL 206B helicopter at the 393rd Helicopter Squadron of the 93rd Wing of the Croatian Air Force. They also completed the Basic Officer Training at the Croatian Military Academy "Dr. Franjo Tuđman" and at the Pilot School of the Croatian Air Force Training Center "Rudolf Perešin". They met all the conditions for promotion and obtaining the pilot's qualification.
On this occasion, the Commander of the Croatian Air Force, Major General Michael Križanec, thanked the families, professors, and military flight instructors for their effort and dedication during the training of the 28th generation of military pilots.
"Today is a day of pride for the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia because seven new pilots of the Croatian Air Force represent a collective success of everyone in the military education system," said Major General Michael Križanec, adding, "Be worthy of wearing the insignia of the Croatian Air Force and make us proud."
Pilot Petar Gregorović, on behalf of his generation, thanked the lecturers, instructors, relatives, and friends for their support and encouragement during all the years of schooling and training.
The ceremony was attended by the Commander of the Croatian Air Force, Major General Michael Križanec, the Commander of the 93rd Wing of the Croatian Air Force, Brigadier Krešimir Ražov, the Commander of the Croatian Air Force Training Center "Rudolf Perešin", Brigadier Željko Harapin, representatives of the Croatian Military Academy "Dr. Franjo Tuđman", representatives of the University of Zadar, professors from the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences in Zagreb, as well as the relatives and friends of the members of the 28th generation.
Creation time: 07 July, 2024