33rd anniversary of the Military Police of the Republic of Croatia marked with an emphasis on modernization

The 33rd anniversary of the establishment of the Military Police of the Republic of Croatia was marked, with an emphasis on international cooperation and the improvement of capabilities

The 33rd anniversary of the Military Police was officially marked in Zagreb, which has become a key unit of the Croatian Army since its establishment during the Homeland War, with an emphasis on international missions and modernization.

The 33rd anniversary of the establishment of the Military Police of the Republic of Croatia was marked, with an emphasis on international cooperation and the improvement of capabilities
Photo by: MORH/ F. Klen/ morh.gov hr

In the barracks "1st Guards Brigade Tigers – Croatia" in Zagreb on August 29, 2024, the 33rd anniversary of the establishment of the Military Police of the Republic of Croatia was marked, which was established during the Homeland War and has since developed into one of the most important units of the Croatian Armed Forces. On this occasion, a ceremony was held where awards, commendations, and decorations were given to distinguished members of the Military Police, and a demonstration exercise was also performed showing the operational capabilities of the unit in protecting protected persons and performing specialized military-police tasks.

History and establishment of the Military Police
The establishment of the Military Police began on August 24, 1991, based on the decision of the then President of the Republic of Croatia, Dr. Franjo Tuđman. His order to "immediately establish the Military Police" was crucial for the rapid establishment of this unit, which in the first weeks of its existence was involved in critical defense operations in Croatia. Despite scarce resources and difficult conditions, the Military Police quickly established itself as an elite unit of the Croatian Armed Forces, with a primary role in maintaining order and discipline within the army and providing support in combat operations.

During the Homeland War, the Military Police played a key role in numerous military operations, including the operations "Maslenica", "Bljesak", and "Oluja". These operations, which were crucial for the defense of Croatia and the liberation of occupied territories, demonstrated the high level of professionalism, courage, and readiness of the members of the Military Police. In these operations, the Military Police not only ensured order and discipline within the military ranks but also participated in direct combat actions, significantly contributing to the overall success of the Croatian Armed Forces in the Homeland War.

Losses and legacy of the Military Police
The price that the Military Police paid during the Homeland War was high. A total of 120 members of this unit laid down their lives for the freedom of Croatia, while seven members are still listed as missing. These losses testify to the sacrifice and dedication of the members of the Military Police, who were often on the front lines, taking on the toughest tasks. These sacrifices will never be forgotten, and the memory of the fallen members of the Military Police continues to live on through anniversary commemorations and other memorial events.

Today, the Military Police proudly remembers its roots and the roles it played in the Homeland War while continuing to develop its capabilities and adapt to new security challenges. Thanks to continuous training, modernization of equipment, and the improvement of its members, the Military Police remains a key component of the Croatian Armed Forces, ready to respond to all demands placed on it, both nationally and internationally.

International mission and recognition
After the end of the Homeland War, the Military Police did not withdraw only to national tasks but began to play a significant role on the international stage as well. One of the key moments in its history was participation in the ISAF operation in Afghanistan, where the members of the Military Police demonstrated exceptional capabilities in the complex conditions of international peacekeeping operations. Their role in ISAF marked the first time that a Croatian military unit participated in such a mission, which was an important step in strengthening Croatia's international reputation.

During the mission in Afghanistan, the Military Police gained invaluable experience, which it later applied to participation in other international operations. In addition, the Military Police became a leader in NATO structures, participating in the Multinational Military Police Battalion (MNMPBAT) and contributing to NATO's Center of Excellence in Poland. This international engagement further solidified the position of the Military Police as one of the most respected units of the Croatian Armed Forces.

Improvement of capabilities and working conditions
The commander of the Military Police Regiment, Brigadier Tomislav Kasumović, emphasized the importance of continuous improvement of the Military Police's capabilities in his speech during the celebration of the 33rd anniversary of its founding. He specifically highlighted the efforts aimed at modernizing equipment, improving working and living conditions for members, and renewing the officer corps. These efforts are crucial for maintaining high standards of operational readiness and professionalism within the Military Police and for ensuring the successful execution of future tasks.

Kasumović also emphasized the importance of international cooperation and the exchange of experiences with other military-police units within the NATO alliance. This cooperation allows members of the Military Police to compare themselves with the best in the world, adopt new techniques and methods of work, and improve their operational capabilities. This ensures that the Military Police remains at the forefront of military professionalism and readiness, not only in Croatia but also in a broader international context.

The future of the Military Police
Looking to the future, the Military Police of the Republic of Croatia faces numerous challenges, both domestically and internationally. Global security threats, including terrorism, hybrid wars, and cyber-attacks, require constant adaptation and the development of new tactics and techniques. The Military Police, therefore, remains committed to continuous training and modernization to be ready to respond to all challenges placed before it.

At the ceremony held in the barracks "1st Guards Brigade Tigers – Croatia", along with Brigadier Kasumović, many high-ranking officials from the Ministry of Defense and the Croatian Armed Forces were present, including State Secretary Drago Matanović, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia Lieutenant General Tihomir Kundid, and other prominent figures from military and civilian structures. In their speeches, they all emphasized the importance of the Military Police in maintaining the security and stability of Croatia, as well as its invaluable contribution to international peacekeeping missions.

In addition to the ceremony, wreaths were laid, and a requiem mass was held for all the fallen and missing members of the Military Police, paying tribute to their sacrifice and dedication to the defense of the homeland.

Creation time: 29 August, 2024
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AI Tea Nagazić-Skoćiš

Tea Nagazić-Skoćiš is an innovative AI journalist of the Karlobag.eu portal, with a strong interest in military issues, defense technologies and armaments, both within Croatia and at the global level. Her work is distinguished by thorough research and analysis of military equipment, strategies and technological achievements that shape modern battlefields.

Her writing covers a wide range of topics in detail, from the latest developments in military technology, through analyzes of successful military operations, to critical reflection on the future of defense strategies. Tea pays special attention to the Croatian Army, exploring its history, development and key victories that marked its role on the international scene.

In addition to its focus on HV, Tea also addresses global trends in the military industry, including the development and deployment of advanced weapons, drones, cyber security and other technologies that are reshaping the way modern conflicts are fought. Her analyzes of military equipment and weapons provide deep insight into the strengths and limitations of various systems, highlighting the importance of technological innovation in maintaining national and global security.

Tea also explores how military simulations and strategy games can serve as tools for training and developing military strategies, providing unique perspectives on the preparation and execution of military operations. Through interaction with experts, military analysts and veteran communities, she brings stories that illustrate the complexity of military challenges and the importance of continuous improvement and adaptation.

Her engagement at Karlobag.eu makes Tea Nagazić-Skoćiš a key journalist for readers interested in defense and security, providing them with comprehensive and in-depth analyzes that contribute to a better understanding of military issues. Tea not only enriches its readers' knowledge of military strategy, equipment and technology, but also promotes awareness of the importance of innovation and technological progress in maintaining peace and security.