President Milanovic opens Cravaticum museum in Zagreb

President Zoran Milanovic opens the Cravaticum Museum in Zagreb, a unique multimedia museum dedicated to the history and importance of the tie

President Zoran Milanovic participated in the opening of the Cravaticum Museum in Zagreb, dedicated to the history and importance of the tie. The museum offers interactive exhibitions and educational programs and promotes Croatian cultural identity.

President Zoran Milanovic opens the Cravaticum Museum in Zagreb, a unique multimedia museum dedicated to the history and importance of the tie
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

President of the Republic Zoran Milanović participated today in the grand opening of a unique museum dedicated to ties „Cravaticum – boutique museum of ties“ in Tomićeva Street in Zagreb. He wished the museum's founders that the museum grows into a successful and serious business venture.

„We are the only ones who have legitimate rights to the authorship and historical ownership of this small but so significant fashion detail. The tie is tied in hundreds of knots and is so important that it has been embraced by cultures that have no connection with Europe, such as the Japanese and Chinese who wore their first tie about a hundred years ago“, said President Milanović in his address.

Business success of the museum
„I wish you business success because this is a business venture. I want it to grow into a good and serious business venture, for people to come here and for us to ‘sell’ them a well-intentioned, beautiful, human and social story about how Croats are responsible for the tie“, added the president.

In addition to President Milanović, the significance of the Tie Museum and its contribution to promoting Croatian cultural identity was also discussed by Cravaticum director Igor Mladinović and curator and museologist Darko Dovedan.

Tour of the museum
After the opening ceremony, President Milanović toured the Tie Museum with the expert guidance of curator Darko Dovedan. The museum is designed as a multimedia space where artworks by contemporary artists on the theme of the tie represent only one segment of the rich collection. The historical development of the tie is presented in a modern way, and visitors encounter an artistic approach to the arrangement and numerous interactive and unexpected exhibits in an area of about 130 square meters.

The museum is designed to provide visitors with a unique experience. Through interactive displays and multimedia presentations, visitors can learn about the history of the tie, its development, and its impact on global fashion. Special emphasis is placed on the Croatian contribution to the popularization of this fashion accessory. In addition to artworks, the museum offers various workshops and educational programs for all ages.

In addition to President Milanović, numerous dignitaries from cultural and public life participated in the opening. Melita Mulić, Advisor to the President of the Republic for Human Rights and Civil Society, was also present and expressed her enthusiasm for the initiative that promotes Croatian cultural heritage. She emphasized the importance of preserving and promoting Croatian symbols and that a museum like Cravaticum plays a key role in this.

The Cravaticum Museum is already attracting the attention of local and foreign media. Its unique concept and rich collection attract visitors from all over the world. Director Igor Mladinović expressed satisfaction with the interest so far and announced new exhibitions and events that will enrich Zagreb's cultural offer. Curator Darko Dovedan is particularly proud of the multimedia approach to the exhibitions, which allows visitors to experience the tie in a completely new way.

The Cravaticum Museum is expected to become one of Zagreb's main cultural attractions, contributing not only to the preservation of historical heritage but also to economic development through tourism. The museum plans to collaborate with local schools and universities to bring the importance of the tie in Croatian and world history closer to young people.

As part of the ceremony, guests had the opportunity to participate in tie-tying workshops and view special exhibits. The atmosphere was filled with enthusiasm and pride in Croatian heritage. The opening of the Cravaticum Museum marked a new step in promoting Croatian culture and fashion, providing visitors with an unforgettable experience.

Creation time: 26 June, 2024
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