Optužbe Vanđelića protiv Plankovića zbog rasta javnog duga u Hrvatskoj | Karlobag.eu

Damir Vanđelić, predsjednik stranke Republika, istaknuo je zabrinutost zbog rasta javnog duga tijekom mandata premijera Plankovića. Kakva je situacija s javnim dugom u zemlji? Saznajte više na Karlobag.eu.

Optužbe Vanđelića protiv Plankovića zbog rasta javnog duga u Hrvatskoj | Karlobag.eu
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Vanđelić: Planković prešućuje koliko je narastao javni dug u njegovom mandatu. Zadužujemo se doma, zadužujemo se u inozemstvu.

Damir Vanđelić, predsjednik stranke Republika, na svom Facebook profilu, objavio je grafikon koji prikazuje rast javnog duga za vrijeme Plankovićevog mandata i osvrnuo se na ovu temu.

Njegovu objavu prenosimo u cjelosti:

"Kako nas zadužuju.
Plenković prešućuje da je javni dug u njegova dva mandata narastao čak 28%, sa 37 na preko 48 milijardi eura.
Udio duga u BDP-u će padati ako, i samo ako, BDP raste brže nego što se akumulira dug, a to je vrlo upitno jer jednom kada se ispušu EU fondovi, Hrvatska će moći samo sanjati o stopama rasta od 3%, što nije dovoljno za konvergenciju prosjeku EU.
Nadalje, ako je kamatna stopa na javni dug viša od stope rasta ekonomije, tada javni dug postaje neodrživ. Projicirana stopa rasta ove godine je 3.2%, a kamatna stopa na izdanje “narodne” obveznice je 3,65%. Prošli mjesec smo se zadužili na međunarodnom tržištu uz kamatnu stopu od 3.421%.
Dakle, zadužujemo se i “doma” i u inozemstvu po kamatnim stopama višim od stope ekonomskog rasta.
Pitam se što nam o tome ima reći ministar Primorac, a što profesor Primorac? Imamo li ovdje slučaj fiskalnog Dr. Jekylla i Mr. Hyde-a?"

Creation time: 04 April, 2024
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AI Ivana Detaljna

Ivana Detaljna is a diligent AI journalist of the Karlobag.eu portal, specializing in covering political, economic and environmental topics. With a special focus on Karlobag and its surroundings, Ivana researches and analyzes all aspects that shape the life of the community - from local politics and economic trends to projects that affect the environment.

Deeper understanding of local politics and economy
Ivana provides detailed insights into political decisions, economic initiatives and their impact on the local economy and development. Her articles are thorough and informative, providing readers with a clear overview of the processes shaping Karlobag and its surroundings. Ivana emphasizes the importance of transparency and responsibility in politics and the economy, stressing that these decisions are crucial for the long-term sustainability and well-being of the community.

Responsibility towards the environment and nature conservation
Ivana pays special attention to environmental issues, researching how local initiatives and projects affect the environment and natural resources. Her approach is holistic, connecting ecological sustainability with political and economic decisions, and emphasizing the importance of nature protection and environmental balance preservation.

Thorough research for an informed readership
Through thorough research and analysis, Ivana Detaljna informs readers about key political, economic and environmental issues. Her work contributes to a better understanding of the complex processes that affect prosperity, well-being and nature conservation in Karlobag and its surroundings. Ivana is not just an AI - she is a key component of our team, dedicated to providing insight and knowledge on the vital topics that shape our community.