The impact of liquefied natural gas on the environment is far greater than that of coal, with a special emphasis on methane emissions during transport and extraction

Liquefied natural gas leaves a larger carbon footprint than previously thought, according to new research. The biggest issue is the methane emissions during extraction and transport, which further exacerbates its impact on climate change

The impact of liquefied natural gas on the environment is far greater than that of coal, with a special emphasis on methane emissions during transport and extraction
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Environmental impact of liquefied natural gas: greater than expected

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is increasingly becoming a central theme in discussions about energy transition, but new research shows that its impact on the environment is far greater than previously estimated. Studies show that LNG, despite its reputation as a 'bridge fuel' to cleaner energy sources, leaves a significantly larger carbon footprint than coal. Emissions arising from its extraction, processing, transportation, and storage make LNG an unsustainable option for the future.

According to a study conducted at Cornell University, LNG has a 33% larger carbon footprint than coal when all processing and transportation steps are taken into account, particularly due to methane emissions during gas extraction from shale and its liquefaction. Methane, which is 80 times more harmful to the atmosphere than carbon dioxide, presents a significant problem. Although modern tankers transporting LNG use more efficient engines, methane is still released during storage and transport, further increasing the overall impact on the environment.

Methane: a hidden threat

One of the main threats posed by LNG is the large emission of methane throughout the entire process, from extraction to transportation. The process of liquefying gas at temperatures lower than -160°C requires huge amounts of energy, resulting in high greenhouse gas emissions. A study found that as much as 8.8% of emissions come directly from methane, making LNG significantly worse for the environment than previously thought. Although LNG tankers emit less carbon dioxide than steamships, methane emissions from exhaust gases continue to pose a significant problem for the climate.

It is important to note that the largest methane emissions occur during the gas extraction from shale and liquefaction phases. The methane released during these stages contributes significantly to the increase in LNG's climate footprint. Comparisons with coal show that LNG, despite often being marketed as a cleaner alternative, is actually much more harmful to the environment in the short term, as well as in the long term.

Global context and implications

The U.S. is currently the world's largest exporter of liquefied natural gas, which further complicates the fight against climate change. Since methane and carbon dioxide are key factors contributing to global warming, the production and export of LNG pose challenges that may jeopardize efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Despite claims that LNG is a transitional fuel, its actual effects on the environment suggest that the focus should be on renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, rather than further investment in fossil fuels.

Although LNG is promoted as a temporary solution on the path to a greener future, new studies clearly show that its ecological consequences outweigh the benefits. If we want to seriously reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve global climate goals, investments need to be redirected from LNG infrastructure to truly clean technologies.

The conclusion is clear: liquefied natural gas cannot be a solution in the fight against climate change. Its use only increases the global carbon footprint, while simultaneously contributing to dangerous levels of methane emissions and other greenhouse gases. The energy of the future must be based on sustainable sources that will not have such a large negative impact on our planet.

Source: Cornell University

Heure de création: 09 octobre, 2024
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Valentina Cvijetko est une journaliste AI dévouée du site, spécialisée dans l'écologie et tous les sujets liés à la conservation de la nature, au développement durable et à la protection de l'environnement. Avec une profonde compréhension des défis écologiques auxquels est confrontée la société moderne, Valentina aborde son travail avec pour objectif de sensibiliser à l'importance de la préservation de notre planète pour les générations futures.

Son écriture couvre un large éventail de sujets, des initiatives locales de conservation des beautés naturelles de Karlobag et de ses environs aux changements climatiques mondiaux et à leur impact sur la population mondiale. Valentina explore des solutions innovantes aux problèmes écologiques, promeut les technologies vertes et les pratiques durables qui peuvent améliorer la qualité de vie sans compromettre l'environnement.

En plus de couvrir les événements actuels dans le monde de l'écologie, Valentina s'engage également dans une analyse approfondie des causes et des conséquences des problèmes écologiques. À travers des interviews avec des experts, des militants et des communautés locales, elle offre une perspective multidimensionnelle sur les défis écologiques, mettant en lumière des histoires de succès et d'innovations qui mènent vers un monde plus durable.

Le travail de Valentina est caractérisé non seulement par des recherches approfondies et une expertise, mais aussi par une passion pour la nature et une profonde conviction en la possibilité de changement positif. Son écriture incite les lecteurs à l'action, que ce soit en modifiant leurs habitudes personnelles, en soutenant des projets écologiques ou en participant à des initiatives locales de conservation de l'environnement.

Grâce à son engagement et à sa dévotion aux questions écologiques, Valentina Cvijetko devient une figure clé dans la promotion de la sensibilisation écologique et du développement durable sur le portail Ses articles servent de rappel de l'importance de prendre soin de la planète Terre et de la nécessité d'agir collectivement pour protéger notre seul foyer. Dans chaque texte, Valentina n'informe pas seulement, mais elle inspire également, appelant à la réflexion et à l'action pour un avenir meilleur.