On July 30, 2024, the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia and the Directorate for European Affairs, International Relations, and European Union Funds signed a significant agreement related to the project "Procurement of Coastal Patrol Vessels Type B - CPB I: Border Surveillance at Sea." This project is part of an initiative implemented within the Integrated Border Management Fund, through the Border Management and Visa Policy Support Instrument (BMVI).
The purpose of the project is to procure modern coastal patrol vessels that will strengthen security measures at the external maritime borders of the European Union. It is expected that the improvement of surveillance and security capabilities will significantly contribute to more effective management of migration flows and the prevention of illegal activities at sea, thus ensuring greater security and stability.
Financial Structure of the Project
The total financial value of the project amounts to EUR 6,725,000.00, including VAT. Of this amount, 75% is financed from the Integrated Border Management Fund, while the remaining 25% comes from the State Budget of the Republic of Croatia. The combination of European and national resources enables optimal allocation of funds and ensures the successful implementation of the project.
Technological Upgrade
The new patrol vessels will be equipped with the latest technology, including sophisticated surveillance, communication, and navigation systems. These technological advancements will enable the coast guard to react more quickly and accurately in various operational conditions, significantly enhancing their operational capabilities.
Cooperation with the European Union
The project represents a key component of cooperation between Croatia and the European Union in the context of a common security policy. The procurement of vessels not only strengthens national capacities but also contributes to the collective security of the European Union. This cooperation also enables better coordination and information exchange with partner member states.
Impact on the Local Community
The implementation of the project has a significant impact on the local community, especially in coastal areas where the vessels will be stationed. Increased security contributes to the development of tourism and economic stability, while the modernization of security infrastructure creates new jobs and stimulates the local economy.
The implementation of the project will proceed according to planned phases, with constant monitoring and evaluation to ensure the achievement of all set goals. The successful implementation of this initiative will stimulate further development and improvement of security infrastructure, laying the foundation for future projects in the field of integrated border management.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 07 August, 2024
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