Procurement of ammunition through the European Defence Agency to strengthen the readiness of the Croatian Armed Forces

The Government of the Republic of Croatia has approved the procurement of ammunition through the European Defence Agency in order to ensure the readiness of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia and to meet NATO capability goals. This step involves the procurement of PzH 2000 howitzer ammunition from the Italian company Simmel Difesa.

Procurement of ammunition through the European Defence Agency to strengthen the readiness of the Croatian Armed Forces
Photo by: Vlada RH / D. Galić/ hr

The procurement of ammunition is carried out to replenish national stocks and maintain the readiness of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia and to implement NATO capability targets, stated Minister Anušić

The Government of the Republic of Croatia, at its 15th session held on July 25, 2024, decided to give consent to the Ministry of Defense to take on obligations from the state budget for 2025 for the procurement of ammunition through the European Defense Agency.

A proposal for a conclusion on a technical agreement between the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kosovo for the education of Kosovo Security Force cadets in the university graduate programs "Military Engineering" and "Military Leadership and Management" in Croatia was also adopted.

Procurement of ammunition through the European Defense Agency
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Ivan Anušić emphasized the importance of raising readiness and developing defense capabilities and investing in the joint development and procurement of key defense capacities of EU member states. He stated that the Ministry of Defense signed project agreements with the European Defense Agency for three categories of defense products: ammunition, soldier equipment, and CBRN protective equipment.

"The European Defense Agency has concluded framework contracts for the joint procurement of ammunition and in 2024 ordered 155 mm ammunition with a range of up to 40 km for PzH 2000 howitzers for the Ministry of Defense in the amount of 12,264,351 euros. Part of the amount needs to be paid in advance in 2024, and the remaining amount upon the delivery of ammunition in 2025," said the minister, adding that this procurement is carried out to replenish national stocks and maintain the readiness of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia, as well as to implement NATO capability targets.

The decision authorized the Ministry of Defense to take on obligations from the state budget for 2025 in the amount of 8,657,679 euros for the procurement of ammunition, for which funds are planned in the Ministry of Defense's budget.

The disrupted European security architecture caused by Russian aggression against Ukraine further highlighted the importance of raising readiness and further developing the defense capabilities of EU member states to strengthen European and transatlantic security. Minister Anušić stated that the European Defense Agency has taken on the role of procurement agency, which conducts tenders, evaluates offers, and procures defense products on behalf of EU member states. This process enables faster delivery of defense products, more favorable unit prices due to larger joint orders, and exemptions from value-added tax.

For the needs of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia, a request was made for the procurement of 155 mm ammunition for howitzers and armored howitzers, and the European Defense Agency conducted a tender and evaluation of supplier offers and concluded a framework contract with the Italian company "Simmel Difesa S.p.a." which is part of the French Nexter Group.

Minister Anušić also emphasized that funds for this procurement are planned in the state budget of the Republic of Croatia for 2023, 2024, and 2025. In addition, it was emphasized that further support for Ukraine needs to be ensured, which will be extremely important for maintaining the capabilities of the Ukrainian armed forces in the fight against Russian aggression.

Education of Kosovo Security Force cadets at the Croatian Military Academy "Dr. Franjo Tuđman"
The Government of the Republic of Croatia adopted a Conclusion on the technical agreement signed in June between the ministries of defense of the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Kosovo. This agreement regulates the obligations and conditions for the education of Kosovo Security Force cadets in the university graduate programs "Military Engineering" and "Military Leadership and Management" at the Croatian Military Academy "Dr. Franjo Tuđman".

Minister Anušić stated that this agreement confirms the continuation of successful cooperation between the two countries in the field of education. To date, 70 members of the Kosovo Security Force have completed various types of military training and education at the Croatian Military Academy "Dr. Franjo Tuđman". It is expected that the new generation of cadets from Kosovo will contribute to further strengthening bilateral relations between Croatia and Kosovo and improve military cooperation at the regional level.

Participation in joint defense projects enables EU member states to consolidate needs and access the industry in a more favorable manner, which in the long term ensures the production and quantities needed to maintain the security and readiness of the armed forces.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 26 Juli, 2024
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