Organized by the Military Ordinariate of the Republic of Croatia, on July 26, 2024, the 10th provincial pilgrimage of the Croatian military, police, and veterans to Our Lady of Sinj in Sinj was held.
The participants of the pilgrimage gathered at the barracks "126th Brigade of the Croatian Army" in Sinj, and the pilgrimage began in front of the Franciscan monastery accompanied by the Croatian Orchestra. Before the mass celebration, all participants were given the opportunity for Holy Confession, and the procession moved from the Franciscan monastery to the shrine of the Miraculous Our Lady of Sinj.
The Eucharistic mass was led by the military ordinary of the Republic of Croatia, Msgr. Jure Bogdan. In his address, Msgr. Bogdan thanked members of the Croatian military, police, firefighters, and veterans for their efforts and care for the homeland, emphasizing the importance of caring for the elderly and the infirm.
The pilgrimage was attended by members of the 93rd Wing of the Croatian Air Force, the Croatian Land Army, the Croatian Navy, the police, and veterans. As in previous years, members of the mechanized battalion "Pauci" of the Guards Mechanized Brigade of the Croatian Land Army walked from Knin to Sinj as a vow.
Commander of the Pilgrimage
The commander of the pilgrimage was Brigadier Krešimir Ražov, commander of the 93rd Wing of the Croatian Air Force, who lit the Votive Candle.
During the pilgrimage, many participants had the opportunity to attend various religious rites and ceremonies. In his sermon, the military bishop emphasized the importance of spiritual growth and unity among believers, and he called on all present to always strive to be better people and believers. In his speech, he also mentioned the importance of Christian values and encouraged the participants to pass these values on to their loved ones.
In addition to the mass celebration, other religious rites such as processions and blessings were held. The importance of sacraments in the life of every believer was particularly emphasized, and the gathered were invited to receive the sacraments of reconciliation and the Eucharist more frequently. The pilgrimage ended with a solemn procession and blessing at the shrine of Our Lady of Sinj.
The pilgrimage brought together many believers from all parts of Croatia, including soldiers, police officers, firefighters, and veterans. The organizers expressed satisfaction with the great turnout and success of the pilgrimage and announced the continuation of this tradition in the future.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 27 Juli, 2024
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