Kokumi compounds discovered in Trentodoc sparkling wines bring a richness of taste

Kokumi compounds, which give the food depth and fullness of taste, are now also discovered in sparkling wines. Scientists confirm their key role in creating complex and rich wine profiles.

Kokumi compounds discovered in Trentodoc sparkling wines bring a richness of taste
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Sparkling wines have symbolized luxury, elegance, and special occasions for many years. But what is it that gives these wines their distinctive fullness of flavor and sense of richness that lingers on the palate? Scientists have recently discovered that the key lies in complex compounds known as kokumi, which have long been present in certain types of food but have only recently gained deserved attention in the world of wine.

What is kokumi and how does it differ from umami?

To begin with, it’s important to clarify the difference between kokumi and the more familiar term umami. Umami is one of the five basic tastes – salty, meaty, and intense – that we can recognize in foods like tomatoes, meat, and mushrooms. Kokumi, on the other hand, is not a standalone taste. It’s a sensation that enhances existing flavors of food or drink, providing a feeling of depth and fullness. Imagine how a ripe cheese or a long-cooked soup adds that extra layer of complexity to the flavor – that’s exactly what kokumi is.

Kokumi compounds are most commonly found in foods like ripe cheese, garlic, onions, and certain types of beer. Their specific effect comes from short peptides and molecules like glutathione, which act on calcium receptors in the human body, resulting in an enhanced flavor experience. However, despite numerous studies on these compounds in food, their presence in wines had not been scientifically confirmed until recently.

Discovering kokumi compounds in Trentodoc sparkling wines

Scientists led by Fulvio Mattivi and Luca Dellafiore recently conducted an in-depth analysis of five different vintages of Italian Trentodoc sparkling wine. The results were surprising: a total of 50 short peptides were identified, which could potentially contribute to the kokumi sensation in these wines. Further tests showed that 11 of these compounds were able to interact with calcium receptors, which is a key characteristic of the kokumi effect.

Moreover, when the researchers expanded the analysis to include an additional 34 samples of Trentodoc wine, they discovered that these compounds were present in nearly all of the tested samples, making them characteristic of this type of sparkling wine. Particularly interesting was the discovery of the Gly-Val compound, which in sensory tests showed an exceptional ability to enhance flavor and create an impression of richness and complexity.

The role of wine production technology and yeasts

To better understand the source of kokumi compounds in wines, scientists turned to the winemaking process. It turned out that certain yeasts, which are used during fermentation, play a crucial role in releasing short peptides from grape proteins. These peptides then contribute to the specific flavor profile of sparkling wines, giving them that distinctive fullness.

Furthermore, wine production technology, including the length of aging and methods of secondary fermentation, also has a significant impact on the creation of kokumi compounds. Wines that undergo a longer aging process in bottles often show higher concentrations of these compounds, which may explain why older sparkling wines often have a deeper and more complex flavor.

The future of kokumi compound research in wines

This discovery represents just the beginning of research into the kokumi effect in wines. Scientists believe that further studies will help better understand how different factors, such as grape variety, climate, and production methods, affect the presence of kokumi compounds. They also plan to expand the research to other wine styles to determine whether these compounds are equally present in still wines or dessert variants.

For wine enthusiasts and producers, these discoveries open the door to new possibilities. Understanding kokumi compounds could help create wines with even richer flavor profiles that will satisfy even the most discerning palates. In addition, this knowledge could inspire innovations in the production and marketing of sparkling wines, especially high-quality ones like the Trentodoc styles.

Source: American Chemical Society

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 17 Dezember, 2024
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