Olio app to share surplus food: a solution to reduce waste and encourage sustainable practices

The Olio app connects people with surplus food and the community to fight global waste. With community support and investment, Olio contributes to sustainable consumption and food waste reduction.

Olio app to share surplus food: a solution to reduce waste and encourage sustainable practices
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

OLIO app for sharing surplus food: fighting global waste and changing consumer habits

In light of the global issues related to food that is wasted every day, OLIO is a pioneering app that helps communities share surplus food and household items, thereby reducing waste and improving sustainable practices. Launched in 2015, this app – developed by Tess Clarke and Saasha Celestial-One – is continually growing, bringing together over five million users worldwide, primarily in the UK, but now also in other continents.

The core idea behind OLIO was simple: to make it easier for people to share surplus food that would otherwise end up in the trash. Clarke, who came up with the idea when she couldn't find someone to take the surplus food from her fridge during a move, now leads a project that has saved over 25 million portions of food from going to waste. However, OLIO is not limited to sharing food; it has also become a central place for sharing household items, local crafts, and products that would otherwise end up as waste.

New funding for expansion

OLIO's recent financial success highlights the fact that global awareness of the food waste problem is growing. OLIO has just closed a Series B funding round in which they raised 43 million US dollars, with funds secured from investors such as VNV Global, Lugard Road Capital, Accel, Octopus Ventures, and numerous other investment firms. This funding will enable OLIO to accelerate its international expansion plans and strengthen its “Food Waste Heroes” program that supports restaurants and other food businesses in achieving zero food waste goals.

With the current expansion plan, OLIO aims to increase its staff from 40 to over 175 in the coming years. A particular focus will be on product development, marketing, community expansion, and user support, as well as developers who will enhance the app's technological capacity for even faster and more efficient operation. This growth will allow OLIO to increase its presence in key markets in Northern Europe, Latin America, and Asia, where the app is experiencing strong organic growth.

“Food Waste Heroes” program

The “Food Waste Heroes” program is at the heart of OLIO's mission towards a more sustainable world. It currently includes over 30 thousand community trainers who collect and redistribute unsold or unused food from businesses such as Pret A Manger, Compass Catering, Costa Coffee, and others. Tesco joined the program last year, enabling the redistribution of surplus food from its 2700 stores in the UK.

The program also involves connecting with numerous partners who see OLIO as a simple and economical way to achieve zero waste goals. An increasing number of inquiries are coming from international retailers, delivery services, and hospitality venues, seeking help in fulfilling their ESG obligations. OLIO is a simple yet highly effective platform that helps companies reduce waste and become more socially responsible.

Local community revolution

Through sharing surplus food, OLIO helps people connect with their neighbors and build a sense of community. In addition to sharing food and household items, OLIO also offers a “MADE” section where users can buy and sell local homemade food and crafts. Moreover, OLIO plans to launch new features called “BORROW” and “WANTED,” through which users can borrow items or indicate what they need, thus encouraging resource reuse and reducing waste.

Aspiring plans for the future

Founder Clarke emphasized that OLIO's goal is to create a community of over a billion users by 2030. The global situation regarding climate change and sustainable consumption raises questions about how to meet the needs of a growing population while simultaneously combating global warming and reducing the amount of food that ends up as waste. “Our ambition is huge because humanity cannot continue consuming as if we have 1.75 planets. In addressing these challenges, our aim is to build one of the most transformative companies of our generation,” Clarke stated.

With increasing interest and support from investors, OLIO plans to continue its mission of enhancing sustainability, connecting communities, and rescuing food from waste. The app has the potential to become a global movement that not only reduces waste but also changes the way people think about food and its value.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 31 Oktober, 2024
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