The mental health empowerment program in Croatia expanded the network of psychological teams and improved access without referrals in several counties

As part of the mental health empowerment program, over 15,000 psychological services were provided by health center psychological teams across Croatia, enabling access without referrals

The mental health empowerment program in Croatia expanded the network of psychological teams and improved access without referrals in several counties
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

The mental health empowerment program in Croatia is a key initiative launched with the aim of improving the accessibility and quality of psychological services in health centers across the country. Over the past year, this program has successfully provided more than 15,000 psychological services in several Croatian counties, including Zagreb, Split-Dalmatia, Krapina-Zagorje, and Međimurje counties. The initiative is aimed at providing assistance without the need for a referral, significantly reducing barriers to access mental health care.

One of the program's key objectives is the destigmatization of mental disorders and enabling early intervention, which is particularly important in the context of post-traumatic stress from war conflicts, transitions from communism, and socio-economic insecurity. These circumstances have resulted in increased rates of depression and anxiety disorders, and according to the latest data, Croatia is ranked third in the European Union for the number of people suffering from chronic depression.

In addition to focusing on treating mental disorders, the program plays an important role in prevention. New mobile teams of mental health experts have been established and are operating in communities, providing support directly in health centers and in the field. There are also plans to expand the program to additional counties, including Osijek-Baranja and Varaždin counties, thus increasing the availability of services at the national level.

Public health actions as a key factor in prevention

World Mental Health Day was celebrated on October 10, 2024, under the theme "Mental Health in the Workplace," emphasizing the importance of psychological support for employees. The Ministry of Health organized a public health action "Good day, how are you?" which took place in six Croatian cities, including Zagreb, Split, and Rijeka. Citizens had the opportunity to fill out questionnaires about their emotional state and receive helpful advice from psychologists.

This action is part of a broader plan to promote mental health within the strategic framework adopted by the Government of the Republic of Croatia until 2030. The document recognizes mental health as a public health priority and emphasizes the need for comprehensive measures aimed at improving the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of mental disorders. Furthermore, the increasing proportion of the elderly population raises the demand for health services, further burdening the health system. Therefore, one of the main objectives of the strategy is to improve the availability of services in order to reduce the pressure on secondary and tertiary health care.

Future steps in reforming the system

One of the key challenges facing Croatia is the insufficient availability of professional psychological help, especially in rural areas. The reform of the health system, which was initiated through the Mental Health Empowerment Program, foresees the establishment of new psychological centers and mobile teams that will provide support even in remote areas. By the end of 2024, there are plans to contract more than 130 new psychological teams that will operate within the public health service network, which will significantly enhance the overall system.

The Minister of Health, Vili Beroš, emphasized the importance of these reforms as a foundation for long-term improvements in the quality of mental health in Croatia. "Ensuring accessible psychological help at all levels of health care is one of the key priorities of the reform, with an emphasis on prevention and early detection of mental disorders," Beroš stated. He also announced the establishment of a special three-digit phone number that will allow citizens faster and easier access to psychological help.

Long-term effects and the importance of prevention

The long-term goal of the program is to improve the quality of life for individuals with mental disorders, as well as to reduce the stigma that often accompanies this issue. By increasing the availability of services, reducing pressure on hospital capacities, and strengthening preventive measures, Croatia aims to approach European standards in providing comprehensive mental health care. In this context, experts highlight the importance of education and awareness about mental health, encouraging citizens to seek help in a timely manner.

With all these initiatives, Croatia joins global efforts to reduce the burden of mental illness, which, according to projections from the World Health Organization, is expected to become the leading cause of death and disability worldwide by 2030. Prevention is the key to success in combating this global problem, and Croatian programs provide a positive example of how systemic reforms can improve the mental health of the nation.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 11 Oktober, 2024
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