The reconstruction of the Zabok - Krapina railway line shortens the journey to Zagreb and brings safety improvements at the crossings

The reconstruction of the section of the Zabok - Krapina railway, worth EUR 15 million, will shorten the journey to Zagreb, increase safety at railway-road crossings and bring faster and more efficient transport for the residents of Krapina-Zagorje County.

The reconstruction of the Zabok - Krapina railway line shortens the journey to Zagreb and brings safety improvements at the crossings
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The renewal of the railway line Zabok - Krapina represents an important part of the broader strategy for modernizing railway infrastructure in Croatia, with a particular focus on improving regional lines. Work on this 16-kilometer-long section began to ensure faster and safer connectivity between local communities, including reducing travel time to Zagreb. Thanks to these works, which include a complete replacement of rails and sleepers, train speeds will be increased to 80 km/h, which will shorten travel time to about 15 minutes, or 20 minutes with intermediate stops.

Minister Oleg Butković emphasized that this project will be crucial for the residents of Zagorje, enabling faster connections to the capital. He particularly highlighted the importance of investing in local lines, which have long been neglected compared to international corridors. He added that investments in infrastructure over the next decade will reach six billion euros, covering approximately 40% of the railway network. Part of the funds is secured through loans from the European Investment Bank (EIB), which will enable the renewal of 500 kilometers of tracks throughout Croatia.

The CEO of HŽ Infrastructure, Ivan Kršić, emphasized that the renewal of local lines is just as important as the renewal of main corridors. He noted that significant funds have been invested in the railway infrastructure of the Krapina-Zagorje County over the past decade, with a plan to invest an additional 25 million euros in the coming years. The renewal of railway-road crossings, the installation of new track signs, and the upgrade of electrical installations are just part of this extensive project.

During the site visit, Minister Butković expressed satisfaction with the progress and announced that the line will be back in operation by next spring. This is important for daily commuters, including students and workers who travel to work in Zagreb every day. From September this year, trains are back in service, and the frequency of operations on the section has increased. Citizens can expect additional lines and reduced travel times.

The Mayor of Krapina, Zoran Gregurević, particularly thanked HŽ Infrastructure and the Ministry for the realization of this project, emphasizing that the renewal will bring significant benefits to the local population. It was also mentioned that the works on the reconstruction of the Krapina station and the continuation of the renewal towards Đurmanec are planned to be completed in the foreseeable future, further improving the railway infrastructure of this area.

The renewal of the line is not just a technical project but also part of a broader plan to strengthen sustainable transport in line with European Union goals. Investments in railway infrastructure enable greater safety and reduce pressure on roads, contributing to environmental preservation. The renewal of 22 crossings on this section is just one of the steps towards greater safety for drivers and pedestrians. Increased safety on the line, along with higher train speeds, makes this project important not only for Zagorje but for all of Croatia.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 12 September, 2024
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